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[MtG] All Designer Cards Spoiled


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There is of course a game to play, in which most of these cards contain references to their designer. One only has to look at Aggressive Mining, from Minecraft's Notch, to notice that. There are plenty more in there for the observant.


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Ob seems super good in EDH. Can also see him in standard if the format ends up with a fair bit of searching. 


Chasm Skulker also seems really good. 


Kaboomist is cute. 


Spirit Bonds seems really good with Convoke. Also, as one of the few cards I was hoping to get the reference for, I sadly do not.


Yisan also seems really interesting. 

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Genisis hydra is pretty sweet.


Ob nixils is just dirty in EDH or a reanimator deck.


Chasm skulker is a pretty sweet card that's definitely standard playable


Yisan is neat but I'd just play momor vig over him


The sphinx is also pretty cool but is EDH fodder at best.


Avarice amulet is pretty terrible, the sheild is neat for a white weenie deck and hot soup is pretty cute.


Mining is interesting but pretty much a junk rare


and waste not is the card everyone is questioning if its terrible or eternal playable.


Also, the "designed by" flavor text is really ugly, I get that they want to give credit to the card designer but putting it in the flavor text box kind of ruins the flavor of the card, they should of put it in the collector info box.

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Also, the "designed by" flavor text is really ugly, I get that they want to give credit to the card designer but putting it in the flavor text box kind of ruins the flavor of the card, they should of put it in the collector info box.



MARO has said that they couldn't fit it in the collector info box. I don't mind that its in the flavor text box since it calls out that these are different from normal cards. I can understand people having a problem with it though.

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My choice would have been putting their signatures in as a watermark. Although signatures are basically unreadable as they are anyway, they would have been a more subtle callout and people could find out the names if they wanted.

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My choice would have been putting their signatures in as a watermark. Although signatures are basically unreadable as they are anyway, they would have been a more subtle callout and people could find out the names if they wanted.

That'd be a cool idea. However, the text line doesn't bother me as much as it did before - the font is different enough and in a small enough size that it's not too intrusive.
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My choice would have been putting their signatures in as a watermark. Although signatures are basically unreadable as they are anyway, they would have been a more subtle callout and people could find out the names if they wanted.



This also came up on Maro's blog. As you said, they would basically be unreadable as signatures so that kind of defeats the point. Also, read Maro's blog. Lots of good stuff there.


Also, it just hit me that Zedruu would really like Mining. 

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This also came up on Maro's blog. As you said, they would basically be unreadable as signatures so that kind of defeats the point. Also, read Maro's blog. Lots of good stuff there.

Also, it just hit me that Zedruu would really like Mining.

I must have missed that post, although I follow his blog fairly regularly.
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Nobody Mention how easy is for Warden of the Beyond to be a 4/4 Vigilance for 3 with all the Exiling White has nowadays


It's nice for limited but you need cards to support it, there are much better 3 drops available.

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