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Heraldic Rank-Up


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Photon Thrasher x2

HB Leo x2

HB Aberconway x3

HP Amphisbaena x3

Blackwing Zephyros the Elite

Goblindbergh x2

HB Twin-Headed Eagle

HB Unicorn x2

HB Basilisk



Dark Hole

Soul Charge

RUM The Seventh One

Advanced Heraldic Art x3

Heraldry Reborn x2

RUM Limited Barian's Force x2

MST x3

Book of Moon



Mirror Force x2

Torrential Tribute

Fiendish Chain x3

Mind Over Matter x2

Solemn Warning



Number C69

Number C104

Number C101

Number 104


Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

Number 8 Heraldic King

Number 103 Ragnazero

Number 22 x2

Photon Pappi

Number 101

Diamond Dire Wolf

Lightning Chidori x2

One of my favorite decks, but I can always polish it a little more. THoughts on how to improve this deck?

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How come only 2 Leo? Doesn't he tutor out all of your Heraldics? Have you considered using the field spell, it is a very underated (and very resourceful) way to impliment Xyz Summons.


My suggestions are:


-1 BlackWing Zephyros (but this is just preference, considering you have few cards that would remain on the field too long and/or material to become Xyz later.)

-1 Goblin/Thrasher (I think you have enough utility to compensate for easy Level 4 Special Summons withought the reliance on open field.)

-1 Mystical Space Typhoon

-1 Fiendish Chain OR Replace 2 of them with Breakthrough Skill

+1 Leo (Tutors out all of your Heraldics and is a decent beater when need be. Combos off of thatdragonwiththename too. I see no reason to run less)

+1 Reinforcment of the Army (You are runnig 4 Warriors. Why not add a free search card?)

+1 Heraldy Reborn (There is absolutely no reason to run less then 3. This card is a free monster reborn with little to no downsides.)

+1 Foolish burial (Pitch Leo/Aberconway/Eagle/Unicorn e.t.c)

+1 Bottomless Trap Hole (More generic traps are pretty viable this format.)

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