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Days Before Desolation [APPLICATION THREAD] [Not Started/Accepting] [PG-16]

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Home --- Valhalla (Underworld) --- Desolate City --- Desolate Mountain Road --- Desolate Cliffs --- Mountain Top

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                                                 Marketplace                  Graveyard                 Junkyard --- Abandoned Warehouse




Home --- Valhalla (Akihabara) --- Abandoned High School --- Anime Expo --- Warehouse




                                                School Entrance --- Town Centre --- Graveyard --- Junkyard







This is only a rough sketch. Because it's a freelance RP, anything can and will happen.





This is the place where the first one to apply is the protagonist. A freelance role play where YOU get to decide what happens to the following storylines, using it as a guide only:


The role play takes place in 2042 after the original members of the main Yim Empire dissolves and goes their own way. However, one of them decides to stay and becomes a narrator. There's no telling who. That narrator's wife becomes trapped in one of the opposing teams' pods, Artemis being the one responsible, and she gets put in a deep coma because of it. It's your job to release her from that coma. In this storyline, Valhalla is already built, but not from the remains of a city, but rather the one from the Underworld. Neither Heaven nor Hell, and that is the place you will start in if you choose this storyline. If you choose this storyline, you will also get yourself in a fight right after the role play starts.


Or you can choose this: The role play takes place in the year 2042, but what if the above happened, but in a completely different way?

The narrator's wife is still in a coma though. This setting is in Akihabara, Japan and this place has become so quiet after the economy has struck the newest low, so much so, Japanese citizens started evacuating. You then embark on a mission you set yourself. It could be anything at all. Our narrator is also making cameos throughout the storyline. Akihabara, Tokyo, have become so dangerous, Valhalla was built using the city's remains, hence why the Japanese citizens evacuated after the city became so quiet.

If you choose the second storyline, the fighting comes later than the first, but do be warned: the storyline is also longer and the enemies faced are tougher. In the end, your job is still to find a way to get the narrator's wife out of her coma.


There are many ways you can deal with this role play: You can start off however you wish.


Prior to the events of this role play, the five characters mentioned in my journal has been through so many hardships. Me being the Emperor, losing a son and such, that's the narrator's point of view. What's it like to you?


Our newest threat, named Artemis is the one responsible for taking the bodies of innocent victims, and mine also. I wanted to make sure that bastard is shot down before anything else.


And then there are specimens, samples of data from canon and non-canon characters. You can choose to defeat those as much as you wish. However, they will never help you on your journey. It would only distract you.


And now, if you are the first one to be served, you get to become our protagonist. And this summary is only a guide. YOU choose what happens during the RP. It's freelance, remember?




1. No godmodding - A simple rule everyone must follow. Follow the plot, don't lose track of the story

2. Post as frequently as possible. The more you post, the more it will succeed.

3. Colouring your dialogues are strongly suggested. If you have multiple characters, that must be the case.

4. Advanced Clause is compulsory. At least 4+ lines please. If you want to be really sophisticated, then 10+ lines will be a good challenge for you.

5. This RP is rated PG-16 due to strong language, upsetting scenes and segments some people may find disturbing (Highly unlikely, but be warned).

6. Be active, no one likes to abandon the works that one have worked hard to make.


7. You have plenty of time to tweak your applications. It will not affect your status in here, just as long as the IC Thread is not up yet.


Personal Title: (Make it so it suits your character. Don't be stupid with it.)




Appearance: (5+ lines or a pic with a short caption)

Personality: (5+ lines)

Biography: (10+ lines)

Weapons: (Be realistic. Put in bold your character's signature weapon.)

Default Skills: (You start out with 20 points. Choose your skills wisely.)

RP Paragraph: (Write a 4 line paragraph to prove you are good enough to partake in this RP.)



[SPOILER=Sample Application]

This is for guidance only. The sample is highly unlikely to be in this RP, though this will be possible, so please remember that.


Name: Ron Yim

Personal Title: The Isolated Emperor


Age: 47

Gender: Male

Appearance: For his normal outfit, he wears a casual shirt, denim jeans and brass gloves which he rarely uses except for combat training. When inside his own Valhalla, he wears armour made specifically for that setting. Initially a tank top vest and bulky tracksuits, they change into his Titanium Cyborg outfit as soon as he engages himself with that armour. His right arm flesh is completely replaced with Gold Titanium, as well as his prosthetic left leg and his electric heart, which is wired to the rest of his armour allowing him to engage different types of weapons as well when time allows and to keep him alive. He also sports a mechanical tiara which sends signals from his brain to his entire nervous system, and because he is a cyborg, he sports also a red monocle in order to make him stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Personality: For this kind of character, he can be a quiet person. He isn't willing to talk to outsiders unless he feels the need to. Despite those, he is a kind hearted person towards his family and is willing to help both sides, since he is a freelancer for a living. Before his defection from the original family tree, he was so displeased with the fact the family he was in before was so disorganised, and not willing to cooperate, he silenced himself out completely and wiped all the emotions from himself, leaving him with no remorse over anything at all. Since defecting from his old family, he gradually grows to become a better person everyday, and still grows to become like that ever since.

Biography: Born in the year 1994, Ron lived with his mother, father and two brothers. He started out as the 10th Generation member, the penultimate generation before defection from the family, but not before mentioning the fact he was a failed graduate in University from 2017, and leads himself to the fact he is also married to his old friend Chloe, the one he had tried hard to repair his relationship with in 2018. The pair also had three children in 2020, 2022 and 2024 respectively at the time. When he defected from his old family group in 2035, he starts a new one, called the Yim Empire and raises his members to become as vigilant as he was in his old days. He is also an epileptic prior to the role play as well as the character who suffers from autism, though none of those negative ailments affected him, however when his late son died in 2044, he didn't take the death lightly and started to darken his personality, seeking revenge on his old family for the crimes they committed on him. Before then, he used to be human, when Ron himself supposedly died, he was checked on to see if he was still alive, though no reports are revealed saying so. When he found out he was being buried alive, most of his body began malfunctioning, so he had his left leg amputated and his heart removed as payment for his right arm to be replaced with Golden Titanium, to match his Immortal Cyborg suit which is fitted in the future. Within the next year, he had prosthetics fitted on his left leg complete with titanium as part of his suit and a device fitted where his heart used to be, which enables him to live longer and transmits to his suit to enable his body and himself to cooperate with each other, especially in combat.

Weapons: Cross Great Blade; Dragoon Blade

Default Skills: Electrostrike, Fire, Blizzard, Water, Thunder, Aero, Cure, Chaos Fire, Chaos Blizzard, Chaos Water, Chaos Thunder, Chaos Aero

RP Paragraph: None, hosts don't need to do this section.



[SPOILER=Character Journal]
Reviews all characters from all of DN's works. This journal acts as a guide only.


[SPOILER=1. Ron Yim]


The Isolated Emperor


Emperor of the Yim Empire, the defected version of the original Yim family. A freelancer that manipulates elements so that it nullifies its abilities and bestows them with chaos. He initially dies from illness. When he finds out he was buried alive, his right arm flesh was replaced completely with Gold Titanium at a price that he would lose his left leg and his heart. His left leg was replaced soon after by prosthetics and his heart by electric grids, the source to keeping him alive and engaging his Immortal Cyborg suit.


Cross Great Blade

Dragoon Blade











Chaos Fire/Fira/Firaga

Chaos Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga

Chaos Water/Watera/Waterga

Chaos Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga

Chaos Aero/Aerora/Aeroga

Chaos Cure/Cura/Curaga

Chaos Recharge

Chaos Ultima

Hellfire/Magma Wheel/Lava Burst

Diamond Dust/Ice Cage/Frozen Mirror

Tidal Wave/Tsunami/Aqua Familiar

Rolling Thunder/Thor's Hammer/Lightning Barrel

Wind Blast/Tornado/Storm Terror

Duo/Tetra/Quadra/Penta/Final Elemental

Blessed Resurrection

Party Resurrection



Where he's found: Abandoned Warehouse




[SPOILER=2. Chloe Yim]


The Desolate Empress


Wife of Ron, and the person who is currently in a coma. She shares almost the same abilities as Ron, though her skills aren't as sophisticated as the former. She initially dies from birth complications, then reports say she didn't even die in the first place. No funeral was held for that matter. She is the second freelancer in the family.

Elemental Sword











Chaos Fire/Fira/Firaga

Chaos Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga

Chaos Water/Watera/Waterga

Chaos Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga

Chaos Aero/Aerora/Aeroga

Chaos Cure/Cura/Curaga

Chaos Recharge


Where she's found: Desolate Hallway




[SPOILER=3. Dan Yim]


The Hated Bujin


The first and only son of Ron. He had a short lifespan, only living until the age of 24. He died in the year 2044 due to his illness. Ron had the same illness Dan has, but the latter had a more severe illness than the former. He specialises in the element Wind, so therefore he can only manipulate such element. He is the only character he actually died, though later he becomes a silhouette.

Dual Omega Katana





Chaos Aero/Aerora/Aeroga

Wind Blast


Where this silhouette is found: Graveyard




[SPOILER=4. Sasha Yim]


The Lone Wolverine


The second daughter of Ron. She doesn't wield any special elements, although she does seize the opportunity to absorb magic from other users and boost her strength. Her claws are biologically grown as part of a mutation, making her appear as the female version of Wolverine.

Phoenix Claws






Where she is found: TBA




[SPOILER=5. Mel Yim]


The Remorseless Key


The youngest child of Ron. She is the only character to wield supernatural weapons and four of them at the same time. She specialises in elements of all kinds, except Ultima, which is exclusive only to her father. She was set to die in 2046, but reports show that she outlived that date. Therefore she had the potential to survive.


Fenrir/Ultima Weapon/Oathkeeper/Oblivion Bundle












Where she is found: TBA



More to be revealed later.



[SPOILER=Skills Available]

#. / Skill Name / Description / Points Needed


Some characters learn the following abilities automatically. To decrease waiting time, you can learn them manually, though it will take in-game points. You can earn points by gaining experience. Explanations will be revealed later



1. Blazestrike - Adds Fire properties to your weapon - 1

2. Cryostrike - Adds Ice properties to your weapon - 1

3. Tidalstrike - Adds Water properties to your weapon - 1

4. Electrostrike - Adds Thunder properties to your weapon - 1

5. Stormstrike - Adds Wind properties to your weapon - 2

6. Hellstrike - Adds Dark (Non-Elemental) properties to your weapon - 5


More later




1. Fire/Fira/Firaga - Inflicts Fire damage to your enemy depending on the level - 1/2/3

2. Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga - Inflicts Ice damage to your enemy depending on the level - 1/2/3

3. Water/Waterga/Waterga - Inflicts Water damage to your enemy depending on the level - 1/2/3

4. Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga - Inflicts Thunder damage to your enemy depending on the level - 1/2/3

5. Aero/Aerora/Aeroga - Inflicts Wind damage to your enemy depending on the level - 2/6/9

6. Cure/Cura/Curaga - Restores your allies' HP depending on the level - 1/2/3

7. Recharge - Restores your allies' MP by a variable amount for 30 seconds - 4

8. Chaos Fire/Fira/Firaga - Inflicts non-elemental damage to your enemy depending on the level, fooling them to think it's Fire - 2/4/8

9. Chaos Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga - Inflicts non-elemental damage to your enemy depending on the level, fooling them to think it's Ice - 2/4/8

10. Chaos Water/Waterga/Waterga - Inflicts non-elemental damage to your enemy depending on the level, fooling them to think it's Water - 2/4/8

11. Chaos Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga - Inflicts non-elemental damage to your enemy depending on the level, fooling them to think it's Thunder - 2/4/8

12. Chaos Aero/Aerora/Aerorga - Inflicts non-elemental damage to your enemy depending on the level, fooling them to think it's Wind - 4/12/18

13. Chaos Cure/Cura/Curaga - Fully restores your allies' HP. Chaos Cura also fully restores MP, whilst Chaos Curaga fully restores HP, MP and the characters' exclusive gauge (if applicable) - 2/4/8

14. Chaos Recharge - Fully restores your allies' MP - 8

15. Chaos Ultima - Inflicts heavy non-elemental damage on your enemy - 20

16. Hellfire - Tier 1 Upgraded Fire attack - 10

17. Magma Wheel - Tier 2 Upgraded Fire attack - 15

18. Lava Burst - Tier 3 Ultimate Fire attack - 20

19. Diamond Dust - Tier 1 Upgraded Ice attack - 10

20. Ice Cage - Tier 2 Upgraded Ice attack - 15

21. Frozen Mirror - Tier 3 Ultimate Ice attack - 20

22. Tidal Wave - Tier 1 Upgraded Water attack - 10

23. Tsunami - Tier 2 Upgraded Water attack - 15

24. Aqua Familiar - Tier 3 Ultimate Ice attack - 20

25. Rolling Thunder - Tier 1 Upgraded Thunder attack - 15

26. Thor's Hammer - Tier 2 Upgraded Thunder attack - 20

27. Lightning Barrel - Tier 3 Ultimate Thunder attack - 25

28. Wind Blast - Tier 1 Upgraded Wind attack 20

29. Tornado - Tier 2 Upgraded Wind attack - 30

30. Storm Terror - Tier 3 Ultimate Wind attack - 35

31. Duo Elemental - Allows the user to cast two elements at the same time. 5% chance of Lethal Strike - 60

32. Tetra Elemental - Allows the user to cast three elements at the same time. 15% chance of Lethal Strike - 120

33. Quadra Elemental - Allows the user to cast four elements at the same time. 30% chance of Lethal Strike - 150

34. Penta Elemental - Allows the user to cast five elements at the same time. 45% chance of Lethal Strike - 175

35. Final Elemental - Allows the user to cast an array of spells. Lethal Strike is certain when casting this skill - 220

36. Resurrection - Resuscitates a dead ally - 10

37. Blessed Resurrection - Resuscitates a dead ally with boosted effect - 20

38. Mass Resurrection - Resuscitates a bunch of fallen allies - 20

39. Party Resurrection - Resuscitates a bunch of fallen allies with boosted effect - 50


More later






The narrator's journal with his say on his comrades.

[SPOILER=1. John Public]


Just an Average Guy


I suppose, a very normal person with a job. It's typically like me when I was a human, except he doesn't know how to fight. His parents happen to live in the opposite side to where he lives now, so I suppose life is hard on him. I'd probably grow to like this guy when I get to meet him, or so I say.


LV: -


Skill Points: 20


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I'm really confused.
What is this RP about?
The summary tells me nothing of value other than "the protagonist is the first applicant, and he can do anything he wishes".
What if he decides to just live a completely normal life, and starts his "adventure" making toast?

Anyways, here is my app.

Name: John Q. Public

Personal Title: Just An Average Guy

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance: John is a completely normal-looking example of mankind, and could probably be considered the prime example of the human race. He is a Caucasian of a completely average height, a totally average weight and body mass, and had brown hair and eyes. His face is actually unremarkable in every sense of the word, with no distinguishing marks of any kind, with features that look utterly plain. Even his choice of clothing, mainly office attire such as a white button-up shirt, slacks, and shoes, makes him appear ordinary. His only real skill is that his total lack of anything that makes him stand out allows him to blend in to any crowd. His overwhelming dullness means no one will ever be able to pay attention to him for very long, and not many people can racognize him due to the simple fact that "he looks like everyone else".

Personality: John doesn't really have much of a personality to speak of. He isn't some sort of crazed maniac seeking to kill everyone. He doesn't have incredible dreams or aspirations that drive him to do anything great in his life. He only has the simple goal of living out his life the way he wants to: going to work, earning a paycheck, and going home to relax and watch TV. Day in, and day out. Day in, and day out. The repetitiveness of his mundane life actually brings him a degree of peace and sanctity, and he would probably be unable to do anything if that life were to suddenly change. After all, a huge degree of adjustment would most likely be crippling for poor John, who just wants to have a normal life like a normal person, because that is what he is: normal. Perfectly normal, with no flaws, but no great strengths. And he is alright with being normal.

Biography: John grew up in a perfectly normal house on a perfectly normal street in a perfectly normal suburb in a perfectly normal city. Nothing really happened in the suburb he lived in. No crime or poverty or crises, but no spectacular events or incredible occurrences either. In fact, where John grew up in, and where he lives now, is rather hard to determine. Ask anyone where the city is, and they will always ask if they mean a different city. Point to it on a map, and people become confused. The city is so completely regular and mundane that anyone else cannot distinguish it from any other city. Here, John was raised by his parents, Joe and Jane Public, who were also average, ordinary people of extreme normalcy. In fact, if you ask him about his life, John would shrug and state that it doesn't matter, because it really doesn't. Nothing of note happened to him as he grew up. He didn't deal with any complex high school issues. He graduated from college with a degree, though it is also irrelevant which one he chose. His parents are still alive, but on the exact opposite side of town from where he lives. And he lives on his own, in a similar neighborhood to his parents in the same regular, average city. He works a 9-to-5 job, commuting to work in a car that everyone else seems to have, working a job that many other people work, and going home to watch all of the shows that a regular office worker would watch. Nothing changes from this routine. There is no deviation whatsoever. And John is content to live out his life like this.

Weapons: John doesn't have any weapons. Why would he have any weapons? He's an office worker.

Default Skills: The only real skills of note that John has are the basic skills one needs to life a life of complete and total normalcy.

RP Paragraph: John arose at 7-o'-clock, like he normally does, to the sound of his alarm going off. He always woke up to the sound of his alarm going off, every single day. It was the first reminder of how normal and average his life was, and how much today would be no different from any other day. He rose to take a shower and get dressed in another set of the clothes he always wore, and then went to go get breakfast: some toast and cereal, like any other workday. He watched the morning news for a bit, which told him that nothing had really happened of any interest since he last watched it the night before. Once he finished breakfast and cleaned the dishes, he got into his car and drove off to work, taking the route he always did, and driving like everyone else does. His life was perfect in its soul-crushing lack of anything new or excting, and John gave a slight smile at that thought. After all, why would he want his life to be any more different?

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Oh yeah. Okay, I've yet to explain that one.


Yes, the protagonist is the first character to apply for the RP, and also:


If you use part of the summary as a guideline, it will give you an idea of where to start your character off. I'll give the summary a little tweak to get an in-depth idea.


Also, this as I have explained a freelance role play, so anything can and will happen.




EDIT: Tweaked the summary with two storylines, one original storyline, which has more fighting and one altered storyline, which allows you to do your own separate missions for as long as you get the narrator's wife out of coma, with much less fighting involved.

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I'll just say it now. Even if they eventually become nothing but side characters in order for people to invest in a story they have to mentally feel like they have a chance to become the main character. as such even if you do get people to join its already doomed to die. As I can also say this role play Ive read everything completely, and with no plot its basically saying your too lazy to think of one so who ever is the main character can do the story for you. which by the rules and such means this could be about alien flying spaghetti monsters from hell.


The Idea is not unappealing but the fact it can be anything and after making an app a person wants to feel like they invested in something if the person who is the main character desires to do a life RP some people hate those wand will quit because that's not what they felt invested in to doing.


I hope I helped and wasn't too harsh but an honest investment would be, lock the thread and take a week to think of a good plot. Everything else is good the app is pretty solid as well as the other tidbits even as low quality it is a map is a nice touch.


Ryuko Your app is amazing I'm sorry but it had to be said.

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