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Degritone's Card Game


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[spoiler=Game Board]The game board consists of a grid, rather than any specific placement like Yu-Gi-Oh!. The grid (for tournaments) is 50x50, but non competitive play can have it be anywhere from 10x10 to infinityxinfinity.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Cards and Stuff About Them]The following image shows the card types and a few things about them. Actual explanation afterward.
[spoiler=Large Image]jU8yAIB.png[/spoiler]

Continuous Cards stay on the field and take up one grid slot. Their effects are either constant or are triggered by certain events, such as battling. They can be activated during your turn.

Instance Cards are one use cards that take no grid slot to play. Their effects activate and are applied, then they are removed from the game. They can be activated (from the hand) during either player's turn.

[spoiler=Types]Destruction destroys cards, at the cost of heath of or even entire creatures.

Chain has two functions: to counteract opponent's plays and to equip to a Creature, like a continuous that doesn't take up space. The latter kind are not removed from the game after being used.

Protection either revives, heals, or gives a creature damage immunity

Summon, well, Summons extra Creatures. Cannot be activated during your opponent's turn.[/spoiler]

Creature Cards stay on the field and take up one grid slot unless stated otherwise on the card. Their abilities are things that are constant, relatively common things. Effects are card specific things, such as drawing a card when something happens or whatnot. You can Summon one Creature per turn unless a card effect states otherwise.

[spoiler=A Few Examples of Abilities]Immunity = immune to Poison and Plague, as well as Destruction Instance Cards

Immortality = doesn't die

Swift = moves up to two spaces in one turn

Range (2-5) = range of creature's attacks, and only specified if they don't have to be adjacent

Poison = infects any creature it attacks, making them lose 1 Health each turn, and stacks up to 10x

Plague = same as poison, but infects all adjacent cards, including your own, with 2x Poison stacks, and gives itself 1x Poison stack upon Summon

Flying = can be on the same spot as another card. 2x damage to any card under it. Has immunity, but only for non-Flying Cards and ground hazards

Retaliation = 1 damage to opponent when attacked

Tunnel = has the ability to leave up to two "holes" on the game board. They can then teleport between any holes left by any Tunneler

Life Sap = gain health equal to the damage they do[/spoiler][spoiler=Types]There may be more added, I'm not sure as this is very early development, but so far, it goes:

Earth = 2x damage on Fire, Water, and Forest

Water = 2x damage on Fire and Earth

Fire = 2x damage on Forest and Earth

Forest = 2x damage on Water and Earth[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler=Rundown of Turns]Draw=>Movement and Activation=>Battle=>Activation=>End
[spoiler=Draw]Unless stated otherwise, you draw a single card. You can also activate Instance Cards here.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Movement and Activation]You can Summon, activate Continuous and Instance Cards, and move Creatures.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Battle]You can attack here and apply any effects that activate during Battle. You can also activate Instance Cards here.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Activation] Basically MP2, but without the ability to Summon unless you activate a Summon Instance.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=End]Gives your opponent one last chance to activate something before they begin their turn.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler=Rundown of Deck Building]Wonder what that "cost" thing was on the cards? Well, rather than having a card number limit, we have a cost limit of 100.

"But wouldn't that mean you could have infinite Instance Cards!?"

No, it means that you can only have 10 instance cards, and only one of each, in your Deck.


It's better to have a single Type with many alliances than it is to have many Types from the same alliance.

"But wouldn't it be better to have diverse Types so you don't get beaten easily by a Deck of types you're bad against?"



Because of how each Type itself works. You'll see what I mean next section.


You can also only have 1 cost 10 Creature.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Types and Alliances]Types have specific advantages.

Fire Creatures, for example, leave a trail of lava everywhere they go, damaging any non-Fire creature that walks over it by 2. They also turn any puddles back to earth after being slowed.

All Earth Creatures have Tunnel and Retaliation.

Water Creatures leave puddles everywhere they go, negating Swift once they enter and exit their puddles, and they turn lava back to earth after taking the damage.

Forest Creatures are odd and get their own section because of it.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Forest Creatures]They have their own game mechanic known as flowering. All Forest creatures cannot move, either, and have Range 5 by default. They also cannot have Flying.

[spoiler=Flowering]Every turn, during your Draw, "Flowers" "bloom" at adjacent grid spaces to other Flowers or to your Leader. They return all spaces to earth and cannot be overridden. After your second Draw after blooming, Flowers start to wilt, and you must "Water them". This takes up your entire turn, during which no Flowers bloom.[/spoiler]

Sounds bad, right? Actually, Forest Creatures are the strongest Type, if you know how to use them. They all have a minimum base PL of 500 and have effects that you can activate based upon the amount of Flowers that are directly touching them or form a chain back to them somehow.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Battles]You can choose to attack individually or in a group. To attack in a group, all of the group members must be within Range.

Range, unless specified by a Range Ability, is adjacent grid spaces.

Each Creature can only attack once, and being included in a group takes up that one time.

When attacking, damage done is based on the PL of the defending Creature and the attacking Creature of combined PL of the attacking group. If the PL of the defending monster is higher, the attacking monster takes 2 damage. If they're the same, they both take 1. And if the attacking Creature's PL is higher than the defending Creature's PL, the defending creature takes 2 damage.

Above, the type advantages are listed. Multiply all damage as need be.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Game Setup]You can either just eyeball the 50x50 grid or have an actual board for it.

Players sit/stand on opposite sides of the board. for 3-4 players, you stand on 3/4 sides of the board.

At the beginning of the game, before the first Draw of the game, both players choose 1 cost 10 Creature from their Deck (their Leader) and 2 cost 5 Creatures from their Deck and Summon them within the closest 9 spaces to where they are. On Summon effects (other than Plague) do not activate.

They then shuffle their Decks and draw 3 cards.

They figure out who does first, then the player who does go first does not draw during their Draw.



[spoiler=Win Condition]You don't lose if you run out of cards in your Deck. You lose when your Leader runs out of health.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Summoning]You can Summon Creatures in the 9 closest grid spaces to you, except Forest Creatures, who can be Summoned in those Spaces or on a Flower anywhere on the board.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Other Game Mechanics]Creatures who lose all their Health stay in the spot they were, taking up 1 grid space.

Creatures with Life Sap can remove dead Creatures from the field by using their attack to remove them.[/spoiler]


.......That took a lot longer to type than I expected.

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Yay, I made some cards. None of the art is mine, so I would appreciate an artist helping out.


Link to imgur gallery if you want to view them over there for some reason.


[spoiler=Example Cards (Most Likely Will Not Be Used.)][spoiler=Budding]DGyKLzf.png

Summon 1 Creature from your Deck on a Flower. If it is not Forest Type, its PL becomes 0 and it gains immobility. Creatures cannot attack this turn.[/spoiler]


Return 1 puddle, lava, or Flower to earth and all Creatures within 3 spaces of that space lose 3 health.[/spoiler]


Equip to an opponent's Creature. It gains immobility.[/spoiler]


Your opponent's leader gains 2 health, then 1 of your dead creatures gain Immortality and its PL becomes 100.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Water Mill]Q7GjXnJ.png

At your End, all your Water Type Creatures PL+500.


When this card is destroyed, your leader's PL+3000.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler=Cards To Be Used When They Have Original Art.][spoiler=Althea, Ruler of Plants]8Fex8zg.png

Immunity, Retaliation, Range 5


On opponent's Summon, if 4+ Flowers, PL+500.

On your Summon, if 8+ Flowers, PL+200.

On Instance, if 24+ flowers, PL+1000.

On attack, if 40+ Flowers, PL+2500 until End.

At your End, all your opponent's [acronym='I see I made an error on the card now.']Creatures [/acronym]on your Flowers lose 3 health.

When this Creature [acronym='Changed to make it do what I want.']would die[/acronym], you can wilt all your Flowers to have it gain health for each wilted Flower instead of dying.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Herald, Ruler of Water]nK0KGWM.png

Immunity, Life Sap


You can [acronym='I see I misspelled sacrifice now. I'll have to fix that.']sacrifice [/acronym]1 Creature to give 1 of your opponent's Creatures Immobility.

On Instance, reduce the Range of 1 of your opponent's Creatures by 2. (Cannot go below 1.)

When one of your Creatures loses health, PL+1000.

This Creature can move to any puddle for its move.

When this Creature is attacked, the opponent's monster's PL-2000.

On Continuous, you can [acronym='Need to fix this.']sacrifice[/acronym] 1 Creature to make 1 Creature lose 10 health, then PL+2000.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=L'rog, Ruler of Lava]eqmvtVW.png

Life Sap, Swift, Range 2, Retaliation


At your End, PL+400.

You can [acronym='More fixing this.']sacrifice [/acronym]1 Creature to Summon 1 cost 3 or lower Creature from your Deck within 5 spaces of this Creature.

When a [acronym='needs fixed.']Creature [/acronym]is damaged by lava, PL+700.

You can have this [acronym='needs fixed.']Creature [/acronym]lose 5 health, PL+2000.

When this Creature loses health, PL+200.

You can [acronym='Needs fixing.']sacrifice [/acronym][acronym='left "all" and "other" in there from previous effect']3[/acronym] Creatures to have your opponent's leader lose 3 health, then PL+1000.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Rexoad, Ruler of Earth]FMRTJ9z.png

Tunnel, Retaliation, Swift, Poison


On [acronym='Needs fixed.']opponent's[/acronym] Summon, place 2x Poison stacks on the Summoned Creature.

On your Summon, the Summoned Creature(s) gains Poison.

On Instance, opponent's Creatures' PL-1500.

On attack, opponent's Creatures' PL-500.

You can have this Creature lose 1 health to Summon 1 cost 1 Creature [acronym='Needs fixing.']within [/acronym]15 spaces of this Creature. Its health becomes 1, its PL becomes 0, and gains Plague.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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