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New Custom Cards Moderator(s)


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It falls down to the collective thought process, Black. Though, I feel the root of everything is the feedback that people receive. Poor quality feedback gives a sense of false accomplishment to those who make those cards or a sense of dread to those who actually make decent cards. TBH, the AC does try to promote quality and it has had success when enforced. The main issue is that it can't really change the thought process people have. Maybe, just maybe, the TCG can help teach people instead of look at Custom Cards with contempt. TCG needs to get more involved- something I've wanted to happen for a while now- for things to have a better chance of getting better. TCG is a part of this community too, and this community needs to come together.

Implying TCG is good at design.

Like, some of TCG is, but TCG is no different than RC when it comes to design overall. The only people in TCG I'd trust to talk about card design with in general are myself, Lily, Caeda, Ain, sometimes Chris though he left, and sometimes Dem. Others can do well, but less consistently so.

And even then, competitive players are not necessarily part of the CC community. YCM, yes, but they aren't all card makers.

On top of that, TCG isn't incredibly high quality either. It's just one that's harder to regulate, because it's not a creative commons. It's an area to discuss a card game, and you can't exactly delegate the quality of a discussion as opposed to a reviewing a card based on design, flavor, finesse, and somewhat creativity.

TCG won't get involved because they will walk in thinking that their Farts smell of roses and will ridicule all of us Card Designers. Also Black.. Did you honestly just call almost every single one of us Card Designers Sub Par? Have you seen the crap that Konami churns out on a near daily basis? Such classic designs as Counter Counter? At least we have the vision to imporve the game. Sure some of us (I will admit myself) can make designs based around 1 single Archetype that cannot support anything else ut what is wrong with that?
I have recently slowed down entering Contests as I felt I was on a losing streak and Aqua was too far away anyways :P

The issue is the overall quality and design of the cards. There's nothing wrong with making powerful cards, such as Fire Hand, Ice Hand, Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear, etc. And even powerful cards can be relatively well designed, even if they lack finesse, such as the aforementioned cards. Finesse is part of design, but it's not central. And design DOES evolve with the game to a degree. CC often makes cards that are either horribly over or way under the level they should be at. And designing around an archetype isn't even bad, though it's again some style points off ofttimes.

And there are nuances to design as well. Like, on paper, Evilswarm Exciton Knight is horrible for the game. It is a badly designed card that clearly cannot bring anything good to the gamestate. However, this card actually manages to give the gamestate something it needs, at least TCG side: Fear of overextension. It's not as scary as Heavy Storm, but it can fill a similar niche. Whether it deserves to exist or not is another matter, but the fact remains that is is a less than perfectly designed card that actually manages to benefit the gamestate, as horrible as that may sound.

Aqua shouldn't even be far ahead from what I've seen. Which proves my point more.

BTW, "konami does it so why can't I" isn't an argument for terribly designed cards, and it is no more an argument for expecting less of you than it is for you to go buckwild in design.

Is Konami perfect? Not at all. But claiming "I am suddenly better Konami card maker" is an obnoxious and incredibly incorrect in many cases.

Basically this.

I wasn't saying us Card Makers are better then Konami as we obviously get our inspiration from them so I apologize if I mentioned Elitism. I meant more that we do have some really good ideas but you also have to remember that we have the 9999/9999 OP members who post tons of overpowered Crap (Literally Broken) but we do try to balance the negatives and the postivies. Again I apologize if I went out of line;

Seeing other people act like kids doesn't rationalize acting like a kid, so to speak.
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Reading this thread has hurt my head.


This isn't a 'war between sections' sort of thing, to the newer looking members.  This is an election (if we can even call it that) of someone knowledgeable and responsible enough to take care of a section in lieu of the absence of Zextra.  Created Cards is one of the first sections members will see when they come to this site.  Created Cards deserves someone who can maintain a good image and quality of posts while also welcoming newer members.  Sure, some newer members can be idiots - I'm sure quite a few of us were, for sure, but that doesn't mean that they can't learn.


However, in my experience, people are more ignorant than not and tend to ignore resources placed in front of them.  Does that mean every member doesn't read the CC guide?  No, there might be a few.


I feel like, as it is, the section as a whole feels very unprofessional, while also being very restrictive.  It feels like a bit of a pain reading through most of the posts, of both older members and newer members, because you have people who ignore every single set of rules placed down, and then you have people who enforce such rules and get high and haughty when they're spoken back to.  The entire section needs a revamp.  We need more members who aren't on each end of those extremes.  I think we'd get a lot more out of it if our active members actually participated in the section.

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Hi folks, I was just notified that this was a thing, so after discussing the whole issue with Caeda, I thought I'd offer my several centz.

1 centz. Created Cards remains the only section on YCM that actually needs legitimate moderation. The rest of the sections barely need any moderation, yet we have several of those sections with 2 mods, and several mods with only a single section that do not need as much attention as a full mod would give. And yet CC, the only section that needs legitimate moderation, has never really had more than a single mod watching over it, and our solution to this section is still to bring on a single mod to be active in an inactive mod's wake. For such a section in need of moderation, I would suggest not bringing in a single new mod, but several (around 3-4), to work alongside Zextra and have watch over all 5 subsections. This will make sure that someone is watching over the section at all times, while also lightening the load on the moderators, of which in the past has made us lose moderators for this position. I would suggest either making Zextra a Super Mod to govern over the rest, or, possibly bringing in an existing mod that knows about the game from their respective section to be the new "head" of CC.

2 centz. While I agree with many's sentiment that the mod's job should be to make sure the section functions, that new members are following the rules and behaving while old members are not growing impatient or breaking the rules themselves, I feel that, in the option I've suggested, that at least one moderator is knowledgable about the actual game so that if a problem does arise that requires a moderator in the section to know about the gamestate, they can come in and help. However, I don't actually think that's a problem that will arise often, if ever. It's not the moderator's job to improve the quality of the section past its mechanical workings. That's the job of the people who frequent the section. It's going to be the knowledge of the people that frequent this section that makes the content improve, it will never be the moderator.

3 centz. Which is why I think the moderator(s) of CC need to focus on making the section accomplish 2 things. 1) Allow for a state where older members aren't pushed away from coming into the section and helping newbies improve, and where newbies aren't pushed away from the section (or YCM entirely) because of the actions of the older members; 2) Make CC a feeding tube to other sections of the site, most likely TCG. CC is where most newbies come to, and our goal there should essentially be to make sure they become active members of the site to make the site as a whole improve. Whether current rules need to be rethought or eliminated or new ones created is entirely up to the moderator(s) selected.

4 centz. Have Zextra, or as I suggested, a current mod, come up with a guide for other CC mods on how to deal with issues, or what actions/problems deserve what course of actions so that all moderators are on the same page.

5 centz. Just on the side, as it came up in conversation, for the site as a whole: You guys realize we have way too many mods covering way too many sections that don't need that many people modding, right? We should really have one mod for Multimedia, one for Other, one for TCG (since evilfusion seems to be doing fine... for now), two for Creative Commons (1 for Creative Writing & RP, and 1 for the graffix), and several for Created Cards. With at most 3 active super moderators besides that. (or even one or two included in that).

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