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Desert Blues [WIP]

Lunar Origins

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Mhm, this is scratched.  I grew to just loathe having to use resources and opted for this kinda style.  Not finished at all, but I'm getting there.  I think my methods are a bit wonky, though;  I'll design the pen-path, then create a custom shape and fill that.  Each individual piece is pretty much a shape.

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Just wondering, are you trying to convey anything in particular here? I'm not great with symbolism.


Anyway, I dislike the red thing, it sticks out like a sore thumb and is kind of an ugly blotch, compared to the eye which is rather provoking, so I'd rather focus on that, however the fact that it's red and also goes against the flow of the background just draws all the attention to it. I'd personally say change it to a different colour, maybe blue, you can have a different shade of blue though.

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