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Need Help With My deck IRL

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Hello all, I would Like help With My deck please, and keep in mind Mind, This was when 80 cards was an acceptable amount, and I need to cut My deck Back to 60 Cards. Here Is  My Deck, I would like help to decide what to keep and what to get rid of, please, or any suggestions would be helpfull, And keep in mind That this is my deck in Real Life, And I have a lot of cards, so If I need to swap cards out, don't be afraid to name any because I might Have the cards!





1 Amazoness Trainee

1 harpies Brother

1 Genomix Fighter

1 Twin Headed Behemoth

1 Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV4

1 Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV6

1 Alexandrite dragon

1 Evolsaur Cerato

1 Celtic Gaurdian

1 Lyna The Light Charmer

1 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys

1 The Tricky
1 Rabidragon

1 Armed Dragon Level 3

1 Armed dragon Level 5

1 Red Eyes Black Dragon

1 Summoned Skull

1 Shadow Tamer

1 Lava Golem

2 Cyber Dragons

1 Hyozanryu

2 Gil Garth

1 Inpachi

1 Woodborg Inpachi

1 Charcoal Inpachi

1 Blazing Inpachi

1 Curse Of dragon

1 Harpie Girl

1 Fairy Archer

1 Breaker The Magical Warrior

1 Maha Vailo

1 Neo Aqua Madoor

1 Magical Marionette

1 Gemini Elf

1 Prime Material Dragon

1 Dark Armed Dragon

1 Evotile Odonto

1 Relinquished

1 Familiar Possessed- Eria

1 Axe Dragonute

1 Chainsaw insect

1 Ghostrick Yuki-Onna

1 Petit Dragon

1 Mystical Beast of Serket

1 Little-WingGuard

1 Injection Fairy Lily

1 CopyCat

1 Dark NecroFear

1 Headless Knight

1 Frostosaurus



1 Metal Reflect Slime

1 Rope Of life

1 Intrigue Shield

1 Draining Shield

1 Compulsoray Evacuation Device

1 Blast with a chain

1 Heartfelt Appeal

1 Paradox Fusion

1 Mirror Force

1 Spellbinding Circle

1 GraveRobber




1 Mystic Box

1 Photon Sanctuary

1 Feather of the phoenix

1 Temple Of the Kings

1 Ego Boost

1 Half Shut

1 Dragon Shield

1 Tricky spell 4

1 United We Stand

1 Mage Power

1 ScapeGoat

1 Polymerization

1 Swords Of Revealing Light

1 Monster Reborn

1 Black Illusion Ritual

1 Brain Control

1 Premature Burial



  Extra Deck:

1 Stardust Dragon

1 Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Five-Headed Dragon


Please comment helpfull ideas, And don't be afraid to chew Me Out!

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Was reading your other thread.   Thought I'd give some input.


First, here's a link to the full ban List.  There's a new one coming out in a week or two as well. They update every 3 months, I believe.


Second: why 60?  40 cards is the best number to use.  It's easier to draw what you need with a smaller deck.


Also, themes.  Posts in the previous thread have suggested the Armed Dragon/Horus route.  It's decent, and I can give you a sample:


[spoiler='Sample Lv Deck']

Monsters: 21

2 Horus, the Black Flame Dragon Lv8

2 Armed Dragon Lv7

3 Horus Lv6

3 Armed Dragon Lv5

3 Horus Lv4

3 Armed Dragon Lv3

1 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

1 Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos

1 Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms

1 Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls

1 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders


Spells: 11

3 Level Up!

3 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Soul Charge

1 Dark  Hole

1 Book of Moon

1 Sacred Sword of the Seven Stars


Traps: 8

2 Breakthrough Skill

2 Wiretap

1 Mirror Force

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Solemn Warning


Extra Deck: 

2 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack

1 Number 11: Big Eye

12 Rank 3 & Rank 4 filler


This is pretty optimal. If you can get out an Armed Dragon Lv7 and a Dragon Ruler, you can go for Rank 7 Xyzs.  Keep in mind Dracossack is a $70 card and #11 is $30.  Extra Deck is gonna cost you the most if you want to build this IRL.  I'd recommend this as an online deck.



However, If you want to go cheap IRL, I recommend Structure Decks.  Here's a list of the current Structure Decks out.  I'd recommend either Cyber Dragons, Saga of Blue-Eyes, or the new Lightsworn deck that's coming out.  Whichever you choose, buy 3 COPIES OF THE SAME DECK!!!  Then build a 40-card deck out of those cards.  PM me for other deck lists.

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There are a bunch of recommendations I have, but I'll just name a few for sake of simplicity. I'd recommend taking out the Ghostrick monster and Paradox Fusion. Ghostricks are cool, but I don't see the point of having only one Ghostrick monster in a deck when I think Ghostricks meant to work together. As with all Ghostricks, you can't Normal Summon them unless you control at least 1 other Ghostrick. This would mean that you could only Set the monster, which wouldn't be so bad considering its effect.


I also recommend taking out Paradox Fusion because you only have 1 Fusion monster and the odds of you having Paradox and Five-Headed Dragon on the field at the same time are slim. If you still want to have Paradox Fusion in your deck, then you should put more Fusion monsters in your Extra Deck.


As I've stated previously, there are a lot of other changes that I'd recommend, but I don't want to overwhelm you. Overall, you should decide a specific theme for your deck (for example, Dragons, Fiends, Synchros, etc.) and build it based on the theme. I know it's not much, but hope my advice helps! 

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There are a bunch of recommendations I have, but I'll just name a few for sake of simplicity. I'd recommend taking out the Ghostrick monster and Paradox Fusion. Ghostricks are cool, but I don't see the point of having only one Ghostrick monster in a deck when I think Ghostricks meant to work together. As with all Ghostricks, you can't Normal Summon them unless you control at least 1 other Ghostrick. This would mean that you could only Set the monster, which wouldn't be so bad considering its effect.


I also recommend taking out Paradox Fusion because you only have 1 Fusion monster and the odds of you having Paradox and Five-Headed Dragon on the field at the same time are slim. If you still want to have Paradox Fusion in your deck, then you should put more Fusion monsters in your Extra Deck.


As I've stated previously, there are a lot of other changes that I'd recommend, but I don't want to overwhelm you. Overall, you should decide a specific theme for your deck (for example, Dragons, Fiends, Synchros, etc.) and build it based on the theme. I know it's not much, but hope my advice helps! 


"Dragons, Fiends, Synchros" are not themes at all... A theme is a bunch of cards that have synergy together and work together to achieve a common goal or win condition(s). Making OP throw in a load of random Dragons isn't going to improve the deck at all. And your suggested changes, while they may be valid points, are not really worth saying because the entire deck needs throwing away and replacing anyway. Its like we have a machine that is broken beyond repair and all you're doing is tinkering with a few loose screws and hoping for the best, when the machine actually needs to be replaced completely.

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I would remove the 3 impachis. There so weak, there pretty much useless keeping in your deck. The Harpies Brother should go too. There is no use of keeping it there unless you have a "Elegant Egostist" to bring out the rest of the "Harpie" series.


And, please, no matter what anyone tells you, don't take out your Red Eyes Black Dragon, Armed Dragon LV5, and Frostosaurus. These are powerful cards I always keep these cards in handy.


Plus, you may want to add some of these into your deck (if you have them), since they come in handy for my deck when I need them.


Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (LV10 [2800/2400])

Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon (my personal fav) (LV8 [3000/2500])

Lord of D.  (LV4 [1200/1100])

Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (LV4 [1200/1300]

Goblindbergh (LV4 [1400/0])

Abaki (LV4 [1700/1100])

Drill Barnacle (LV3 [300/0])

The Flute of Summoning Dragon (Spell)

Magic Cylinder (Trap)

Kuriboh (LV1 [300/200])

Penguin Soldier (LV2 [750/500])

Zero Force (Trap)

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Its funny because Harpie's Brother isn't even a Harpie since its name changed to Sky Scout.

Seriously though, this is a case of - Deck + New Deck. Pretty much every card in here is terrible beyond belief and there is absolutely no theme of synergy. Please just read this guide and start over with a proper deck: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/284760-march-2012-format-basic-deck-building-tutorial/

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