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[spoiler=Older version/comments about it]




I'm not used to playing with a Deck revolving around Tribute-heavy monsters (and especially so Artifacts). As a result, I am probably missing some important cards (and/or running things that I shouldn't be). CyDra and Space Jammer are there to provide Rank 5 support (Star Drawing for the same reasons and draw power). Mirror Force is there as a generic monster destruction card; and BTS is there to bounce stuff.


On to usage notes, I just used this about half an hour ago against HEROs (I suppose I got lucky and won, but I think this needs to be heavily improved). I did summon Aegis/Scythe via separate card effects, but never went in Durendal during the match [wanted to, but I didn't have any Artifacts to set in hand and trigger stuff].


I'm deciding on whether or not a Side Deck is needed; though I usually play singles (one game) because of time constraints.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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This is so much bad. Nova Summoner/Shining Angel are unnecessary, slow and unreliable. CyDra and Solar Wind Jammer are completely unnecessary. You create your Rank 5s easily enough with just the Artifacts, namely Beagalltach. Only 2 Ignition and 2 Sanctum?! Are you serious? They are the reasons the deck is good and need to be played in 3s. I can't see the logic behind A Hero Emerges. You summon your monsters easily enough from your backrow and your Deck, it is just a terrible -1 or -2. Transmod is terrible because firstly you shouldn't be playing the Level 4s Fairies and secondly it doesn't trigger Artifacts' effects like Sanctum

Basically, just run this build instead if you're going for Puretifacts:



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This is what happens when I try to use the Wikia as a guide; next time, I'm just going to read stuff over here instead.


Think the one over there is a hybrid variant with some Synchro support. I tried going for a pure one until I get the hang of things and can experiment with a hybrid version. Until then, I'll use the one you provided until I get better at them, but I'll try to fix this one so it works better than the failed version. I knew I missed some key stuff, but if I missed THAT much, I really need to do my homework on this Deck before I try it out again. Better I get yelled at now for making a horrible Artifact deck before trying it again and getting creamed.


Anyway, removed the Level 4 Fairies/Transmodify/CyDra/Jammer and whatever else makes this one bad; added the 3rd copies of Ignition/Sanctum/Beagalltach/Moralltach in addition to Dualities/Upstart Goblin.




If you don't mind me asking, what are the last two Traps in the Deck you posted? I can't make out what they are.

Thanks for your help though.

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The Artifact count is pretty much derived from the one Saber posted [considering this is supposed to be a pure variant until I get adapted to it and experiment with a hybrid]; in this case, 14. I don't usually come around this section of YCM (including TCG); I may have seen Masao (or someone else) mention something about it, but forgot what it was or didn't see.


On that note, if I should only be running 9 Artifacts total, which ones should get cut?

As for Saber's suggestions, cut out Malevolent and Unleashed for Breakthrough; and got rid of Labrys for Failnaught.


(As much as I would like to build this IRL (considering I can probably buy copies of some of the cards in here [though OCG, but I don't play competitively so that's not much of a problem; I have a copy of Aegis, Labrys and Scythe]), the key cards and pretty much the Extra Deck are expensive)

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The 9 you can run are:

3 Moralltach
2 Beagalltach
2 Caduceus
1 Scythe
1 Failnaught

Or something like that. Those are the only Artifacts really worth running.

Cardcar D and Star Drawing is at 2, so that would make the monster count 13. You could then maybe add in 2 Maxx C.

So then the monster count is 15 with

3 Moralltach
2 Beagalltach
2 Caduceus
1 Scythe
1 Failnaught

2 Cardcar
2 Star Drawing
2 Maxx C

For everything else, the list Saber gave is pretty accurate.

3 Ignition
3 Duality
3 Upstart
2 D-Cyclone
1 BoM

And for the Traps:

3 Sanctum
3 CotH
2 Breakthrough
1 Solemn
1 Torrential

So, the deck would look like this:

3 Moralltach
2 Beagalltach
2 Caduceus
1 Scythe
1 Failnaught
2 Cardcar
2 Star Drawing
2 Maxx C

3 Ignition
3 Duality
3 Upstart
2 D-Cyclone
1 BoM

3 CotH
2 Breakthrough
1 Solemn
1 Torrential

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You all are better at playing this deck than I am, so I'll take your word for it.

Scythe is good, since it shuts down Extra Deck spam for a while.


I should try out both variants and see which one works better in doing what it's supposed to be.

As for the Extra Deck options, you agree with what Saber had or you have another idea for what goes in with your version?




Thanks to all of you for the feedback; it really helps.

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I debated on using 12, but effect only protects him for the most part and wouldn't really offer much help to the rest of Deck.

Heavy Industry could work though; should be able to get 3 Level 5s on the field to summon it.


I could throw M7 in this one, since I already have 2 Pleiades in here which can be summoned.

Crystal Zero Lancer's pretty much there because of 19 or Fortress, but I can see it in there because 19/Fortress can be made quickly with Deck.


@Dyson: Yeah, I need to deal with decks that banish stuff. I'll put a couple in the Side Deck [wasn't sure what to add in it, considering I usually play singles w/out siding on DN (and I don't even play DN on a regular basis].


I have 2 Aegis in the deck already, so a Caduceus can be shafted to put Loginus to take care of banishing to some extent.

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