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For gits and shiggles, really.

Monster - 19
Tour Guide x3
Edge Imp Scissor x3
Furnimal Bear x3
Furnimal Owl x3
Furnimal Lio x3
Giant Rat x2
Summoner Monk x2

Spell - 12
Polymerization x3
Fusion Weapon x2
Soul Charge x2
Space Typhoon x2
Toy Pot x3

Trap - 9
Fusion Reverse x3
Call of the Haunted x2
Breakthrough Skill x2

Extra - 15
Des-Toy Scissor Wolf x3
Des-Toy Scissor Bear
Lavalval Chain
Alucard x2
Number 101 x2
Gauntlet Launcher
Ptolemy M7

Chain can set off Pot, which is nice.
Thinking about swapping Typhoons for Double Cyclones because, again, they can set off Pot.
I mean, Edge Imp can always appear on the board, given the nature of it's effect. So really, it just boils down to have Furnimals at that point, since they, themselves can just toolbox Poly whenever.

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Why so many Wolves?

Ideally, Wolf can do more damage then Bear can, given the fact that it, by default, can attack twice. Adding more Materials just gives it more and more attacking power.
I'm not sure how these would play out the whole way, given the fact they CLEARLY are just meant to be a silly casual deck, and nothing that serious, but they have some interesting things going for them. The issue still remains, however, is that they need a means of acquiring the Furnimals in order to maximize the damage output.

'Course, the OP is just a deck on paper, since I have yet to actually use them.
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