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[MtG] Twisted Image

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One of the best reasons it is used to All-in Twin is because it kills Spellskite which is mainboarded in plenty of decks. Other than that, it has some relativity in most matchup. It kills an Ornithopter, Spellskite, Mana Dorks, etc. It is best against Melina Pod more than anything, though, which is a hard match up game one. Game 2, it usually lightens up and these are sided out more commonly.

It has been recognized since the dawn of Deathrite Shaman, but more so after that. It has been seeing play for months, though, because of how many 0/Xs there are in the format. Another reason that Chandra, Pyromaster is shining as of right now in Jund and also seeing play in Naya Zoo.

The good thing about it is that you can use it along side cards like Lightning Bolt and you don't lose any value since it recycles itself. Killing a Tarmogoyf gets easier in the first few turns. Killing a Restoration Angel, etc. It is a good card, but doesn't have much better purpose outside of game 1 where you either have to defend your ace or combo against cards that can stop it; Spellskite. Really the biggest threat that this gets rid of.

It isn't as great as other cards like Peek and instant speed, and I would rather run the slower Twin version that doesn't rely so much on the combo for a stronger game plan when I can win. And the combo is usually sided out, or at leastKiki-Jiki and 2 Splinter Twins. The Burn+Snap and little threats isn't as bad of a game as people make it out to be. And I wouldn't get completely short-sighted from Hatebears and Angel/Melira Pod running Linvala.

I would also choose Flame Slash over this since it is an actual kill spell. Sorcery Speed isn't as a bad of a thing when you are slowed down enough.

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