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Pursuit ~ 9Vunder


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3 Batteryman AAA

3 Batteryman 9V
3 Mahunder
3 Pahunder
2 Thunder Sea Horse

3 Forbidden Lance

3 Recycling Batteries

3 Soul Charge

3 Supply Unit

2 Instant Fusion

1 Book of Moon

2 Breakthrough Skill

2 Call of the Haunted

2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

2 Wiretap

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Torrential Tribute


[spoiler=Playlist for T1]

Ma/Pa + (random second thunder other than itself) + Soul Charge + Stuff you can set:

NS Ma/Pa

NS second thunder

Overlay for Lavalval Chain

Detach Ma/Pa, dump 9V

Soul Charge Ma/Pa + 9V back

Search out 9V/AAA

Overlay for Bujintei Tsukuyomi

Set all but that monster, use Tsukuyomi

End result: 3 set S/T and/or Supply Units, Tsuku + Chain, 2 in hand


Sea Horse/9V + 1-3 Supply Unit 

Sea Horse searches 9V x2

Use units, summon a 9V, search a AAA

Pass, draw for each unit

self explanatory really


will add more later, short on time for the moment



Could run foolish/another Sea Horse, but idk how I'd fit either. Both have merits for T1, and are decent cards overall.


Basic idea is the same ,but Soul Charge is generally the best card to open other than monsters to make plays with themselves.


Not maining DRXD, despite being good, because Paladynamo is better and I don't have space for both.'


Willing to explain choices and such, just idk what to say atm.

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-1 Recycling Batteries

Deer lord. You're suggesting to get rid of the Deck's Salvage. You know, a card that is essentially a Rank 4 play in itself.

How has Phoenix Wind Wing Blast been testing?

Sets up AAA sooo good. And really, the discard is definitely worth SUDDENLY RAIZA RAWR since Hunders can plus so much.


I'm not Black, but I pretty much steal any Deck he posts on here because I can't build Decks worth sh*t. Meep.


Ummm... uh... when you last posted Hunders, you had Industrial Strength. I'm curious as to what exactly led you to removing it since it blows things up so much.

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-1 Recycling Batteries
-1 Lance

+1 Seahorse
+1 Foolish

That could allow you to fit in Seahorse and Foolish.

How has Phoenix Wind Wing Blast been testing?

When I said I wanted to fit them in, I didn't mean over better cards.


PWWB's really good as a whole because the deck maintains a hand. Just a bit awkward T1/0 sometimes.



Deer lord. You're suggesting to get rid of the Deck's Salvage. You know, a card that is essentially a Rank 4 play in itself.

Sets up AAA sooo good. And really, the discard is definitely worth SUDDENLY RAIZA RAWR since Hunders can plus so much.


I'm not Black, but I pretty much steal any Deck he posts on here because I can't build Decks worth sh*t. Meep.


Ummm... uh... when you last posted Hunders, you had Industrial Strength. I'm curious as to what exactly led you to removing it since it blows things up so much.

I'm just trying without it because it was a dead draw early a lot, and I was worried it was winmoar.

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How about:

-2 CotH
+2 Seahorse and Foolish


-1 Instant Fusion
-1 Lance


-1 Supply Unit

Idk anymore, looks really solid to me. I suggested to get rid of the salvage since you are running 3 Soul Charge.

This is a deck that thrives on the ability to get the grave back to its hand/field, so running less than 3 Recycling is bad. Soul Charge to 2 makes more sense than Recycling to 2, and that was bumped up to 3 because it makes absurdly strong T1 plays.


Call of the Haunted is extra revival that sets me off during the opp's EP/Can eat some damage. Works well with 9V and is more revival for Ma/Pa. Not worth cutting for Foolish and a third Deadhorse


IDK why I'd cut an Instant Fusion, ever, and less than 3 Lance seems bad.


1 PWWB doesn't seem worth it, and Supply Unit is a 3 or 0 card.

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