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Mr. Hands (Hand Heraldics)


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2x Fire Hand

3x Heraldic Beast Aberconway

3x Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena

1x Heraldic Beast Eale

3x Heraldic Beast Leo

1x Heraldic Beast Twin Eagle

2x Heraldic Beast Unicorn

2x Ice Hand

1x Prominence Hand

2x Summoner Monk



2x Advanced Heraldry Art

1x Book of Moon

1x Burial from the Different Dimension

2x Heraldry Augment

3x Heraldry Reborn

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Pot of Duality



1x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Breakthrough Skill

2x Call of the Haunted

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

1x Torrential Tribute



1x Bujinki - Amaterasu

1x Castel the Skyblaster

1x Daigusto Emeral

1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1x Gagaga Gunman

1x Lavalval Chain

1x Lightning Chidori

1x Number 101: Silent Honors Ark

1x Number 103: Ragnazero

1x Number 104: Masquerade

2x Number 18: Heraldic Progenitor Plain-Coat

1x Number 57: Tri-head Dust Dragon

1x Number 69: Heraldry Crest

1x Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage



What can I say?  My opponent get it long and hard against this Deck.

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This looks terrible .~.

You're running eale and twin-head, but you're not even maxing AHA or Unicorn first.

You're running prominence hand.

You're maxed on the reborn but not AHA, and you run burial from the DD which is a terrible card most times, only having a truly useful window in the late late game.

You're running Sum Monk in a deck that does not need it. Yet not running foolish in a deck full of grave effects and leo

You aren't running supply unit I'm a deck whose goal is to sit on a reviving beater until you have enough advantage to murder them, provided you didn't god hand. Not to mention Leo itself.

Lance is mostly better than MST ATM, especially given that you're running Ragna

You aren't running near enough backrow for the current gamestate, and you aren't running Soul Charge or instant fusion + noden, both of which make the deck much better. I can understand no IF, but no soul charge makes no sense.

And even without those you don't have warning, so Idgi.

And how do you have room for any 3-mats when this deck is neither proficient at making them, especially not without Soul Charge, and you chose terrible ones? I guess Amaterasu can be decent here, but she's hard to make. 104 is decent, but not here. Tri-Head is straight up shit, even with the clear eagle combo. 69 is bad enough to not be run beyond a combo enabler, and this deck cannot drop him realistically enough. Eale is a bad reason when it's not something you should even run before more important cards, anyways.

Meanwhile, you don't run Abyss Dweller (current god of the game), Diamond Dire Wolf, arguably Number 50, arguably Heartlandraco, a second Chidori because backrow removal, and lots of other decent tech choices that are actually relevant in the current game.

This seems really hamfisted and suboptimal, ignorant of the game.

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The lack of any and all 'Horse' related monsters in yugioh is disappointing...


Anyways, Prominance Hand is pretty bad.. even in a PureHand.dek, you only have a ratio of 2 of Ice/Fire, meaning you have a lesser chance of using the Special Summon Prominance offers (which would mean you would be left to do the next worst thing to even get it on the field: Normal Summon.)


For spells, Advanced art is literally a 1 card Xyz Summon, I do not know why you wouldn't want to take advantage of that. It can save your games many, many times, as there are situations where you simply cannot, or do not have the hand resources to make an Xyz monster (With fewer ways to tutor Leo, you will find yourself low on resources rather quickly, and end up eating up your hand a lot.) I recommend at least trying a third copy.


I would advise adding Foolish Burial. Reasons: Triggers Leo, sets up the Graveyard with Unicorn/Eagle, sets up the Graveyard for Advanced Heraldic art, sets up the graveyard for Heraldy Reborn e.t.c.


Different Dimension Burial seems... out of place in this build. I understand it combos with the likes of Unicorn and Aberconway, but you should not have to rely on it for THAT combo alone..


In a Special summon Heavy Deck, Duality may do more harm then good (And you do not need to worry about consistency when you have combo pieces like Leo and thathardtosayname Dragon card facilitating plays.)


I am so-so about CotH. You have your own in-theme Monster Reborn, and Call is just a slower version of that card, and vulnerable to backrow hate. I recommend fitting in more linear trap cards if at all possible.

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