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Ridiculous Winged Kuriboh!

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Just plain silly and fun. Any ideas to make it a deck that could win?

Deck List:

x1 The Wicked Avatar(Just for fun not to be the main goal of the deck)

x2 Winged Kuriboh LV 10

x1 Gaap the Divine Solider

x3 Winged Kuriboh

x1 Light and Darkness Dragon

x2 Hardened Armed Dragon

x2 Double Coston

x2 Tragoedia

x1 Marshmallon

x1 Silent Wobby

x1 Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning

X3 Mound of the Bound Creator

x1 Dark Hole

X2 Transcendent Wings

x3 The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh

x1 Axe of despair

x2 Mirror Force

x1 Imperial Iron Wall

x1 Trap Jammer

x1 Magic Jammer

x3 Nightmare Archfiends

x2 Battle Mania

x3 Magic Cylinder


Extra Deck:

X3 Lavalval Chain

x1 Number 54 :Lion Heart

x1 Ghostrick Dullahan

x1 Number 66 :Master Key Beetle

x1 Number 101 :Silent Honor ARK

x1 Superdreadnaught Rail Cannon Guatav  Max

x1 Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut


Maybe Add Cards:

x1 Ma'at

x1 Winged Kuriboh LV 9

x3 Sabtiel- the Philosopher's Stone

x1 Spell of Pain

x1 Berserker Crush











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Yes, this is ridiculous. Based on the thread's title, this Deck is based on Summoning The Wicked Avatar - and something Kuriboh. HOWEVER, you're only running one The Wicked Avatar, and no way to search it... I think... there's quite a few cards on here that I cannot identify from the picture alone. A card list would be very helpful here for those cards.


The WInged Kuriboh LV monsters are both terrible. Transcendent Wings is a -3 for a monster that pretty much says "don't conduct your Battle Phase with me around or you'll regret it," but is very susceptible to being removed by any means that isn't by battle. AND THEN, if your opponent has to play into it, they can manipulate their monsters' battle positions so that this only kills one of them, which is definitely not worth the four cards you lose trying to Summon this thing. LV9 is a lot easier to get out, but does not contribute to your strategy whatsoever as it seems to be trying to do its own thing. You only included this card because it was a "Kuriboh."


LV9 isn't the only monster you included for little reason. LaDD seems like one of these, but since it's wonderful in swarming Decks that could consistently get it out, it's more or less ok to keep. Marshmallon seems like it was added simply for the sake of stalling, which isn't a really good reason. Feather of the Phoenix minuses yourself by two just to slow yourself down with a topdeck, and is just really slow. If Philosopher's Stone actually searches something here, I don't really see it. If you want to make a Kuriboh-themed (in a way) swarm Deck, then this might not actually be useful. The D.D. card's ONLY use I can determine is to return monsters to the Graveyard so you can re-Summon BLS after you Feather of the Phoenix'd him. This is a 3-card combo using cards you're only running one of in a 54-card Deck, and you can't actually expect to pull that combo off unless your duels take two hours to complete. Axe of Despair is inferior to United We Stand, and neither of them have a specific place in this Deck, especially if your opponent can just MST it as you attack (which really sucks when it comes to equipping Axe to one of your smaller monsters).


Cylinder simply plays with your opponent's Life Points, and doesn't help you clean up the board for your plays. Battle Mania is probably only reliant on you having LV10 out, and has absolutely little to no use whatsoever outside of then, which really hurts its ability to function well. Likewise, the first Jammer is just so crippling to your own card advantage and the latter is just so situational and even completely outclassed.


First, you need to shorten this down to 40 cards. By having 54 cards, it becomes more difficult to draw combo pieces that let you win games, and since yours are scarcely searchable, this is even more important for whatever the heck this Deck is. It would be better, first, if I knew what all of those cards are, if only to give a better explanation of why you shouldn't run them. Right now, you're just running so many rogue cards that rely on other specific cards being in your possession in order to be of any use. It's also a good idea to always run the maximum number of monsters possible in your Extra Deck. There's only one exception that doesn't run an Extra Deck, but you're not running those cards.

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