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LGBTQ* Community and its endeavors

Simping For Hina

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Hey guys, want to mention some events that personally have been afilliated with the LGBTQ* Community? I am writing a report for Sociology based on the LGBTQ communities and their affect of people's personal lives and how they are affected by it personally. If you wish to not be included in the paper, you can still mention things but I promiswe that I will not include anything if you don't want me to.

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Really just how people have treated you or others for being a part of the community, or hardships/accomplishments that you faced because of how you identify yourself. It is mostly a first hand experience on how things that either caused harm or supported anyone part of the community along the way.

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Here's my issue with the English language.  We have a perfectly good third person pronoun: it.  It doesn't have a gender associated.  The problem is that it has an association with non-human because we have always assumed humans to have a gender.  Now that we are willing to admit that they don't necessarily, it's tragic that we've already lost the use of this word we already have.

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Here's my issue with the English language.  We have a perfectly good third person pronoun: it.  It doesn't have a gender associated.  The problem is that it has an association with non-human because we have always assumed humans to have a gender.  Now that we are willing to admit that they don't necessarily, it's tragic that we've already lost the use of this word we already have.

It's basically like that but I would say it's from culture. Even suggesting the use of it or using the polite gender association with some people, it gets treated as being too P.C.

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Why does the Q need to be there with Lesbian and Gay then?

Their are many variations of LGBT that have different letters besides Q or have Q. Q as I've researched on stands for either Questioning or Queer. Questioning deals with those who are questioning or have a flexible sexual identity while queer can deal with those of unconventional sex.

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If there was an inclusion of each sexual identity or orientation in the name, the title would be longer than the written page of the Declaration of Independence, so naturally it is short.

The "+" and the "*" are interchangeable, I am just more used to the "*". They mean the same thing for either of it. There is a title for the community as a whole, LGBT. The Q was not added until a couple of years ago and is not officially part of it yet.

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It is associated with objects.


People are not objects.


Holy s*** it's like that wasn't my point.  Also, use quotations to specify that you want to talk about the word "it" instead of using it as it is meant to be used.  


EDIT: How does the "Q" become officially part of it?  Is there an international LGBT organization that all LGBT(TIQ*+) people recognize?  

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Holy s*** it's like that wasn't my point.  Also, use quotations to specify that you want to talk about the word "it" instead of using it as it is meant to be used.  
EDIT: How does the "Q" become officially part of it?  Is there an international LGBT organization that all LGBT(TIQ*+) people recognize?

I actually do know about the thing entirely, or international. But I participate in it nationally, on a minuscule scale and it is an organization. Among the community, there are people working toward the name change of LGBTQ. The problem is a legal issue in copyright, as I know of.

The community itself is usually what funds for the pride parades, things like PrideWorks, and centers around the New York where I mostly am a part of it.

The Q is a community based inclusion and the "*" "+" are as well. It is a lot less of a known inclusion to have the "TI", and but it is becoming more known.

Both the "*" and the "+" support the idea of "Q" or the entire title as an umbrella term to involve asexual, arelation, pansexual, transgender, transman, transwoman, cismale, cisgender, cissexual, etc. Really, there are too many sexual/gender identities and orientation to include.

I just choose to use the LGBTQ* as that is what I have been used to ever since I started being a part of the community.
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Holy s*** it's like that wasn't my point. 

Your point came off as if you thought we should use the word "it", and that it's tragic that we can't because it is commonly related to objects, (which it is, because that's what it's supposed to refer to) which Lunar responds to, pointing out that whether you like it or not, it is not a label we should be placing on humans, since objectification and dehumanization is arguably (very arguably) a bad thing.


If I assume that isn't what you meant to be your point, then I agree that there should be a disgendered pronoun, just not the word "it".

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Does the Q/* actually include cisgendered? or just involve the idea of cisgendered and not actually include it?
Also cool to hear about the official status.  Do laws mention LGBT?

The Q*/+ does include cisgendered as a form of identity.

I don't know about laws according to the subject or the community itself. Any information that I mention what I know when I did research for my paper and interviews with people who participate in the community, and supporters of it.
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I said that it's a shame we can't use it because it's become related to objects due to history.  Lunar responded saying it's related to objects.  10/10 quality contribution that wasn't insulting at all


So if the Q includes cisgendered, doesn't that make everyone a part of the LGBTQ* community?  That just kinda confuses me.

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