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Zelda 2015


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Monster is very reminiscent of Phantom Hourglass final boss, yes?

EDIT: Examine this. Open it in a new tab and enlarge it. Then examine it some more. See everything that looks like something off in the distance? I want to go to there.


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EDIT: Examine this. Open it in a new tab and enlarge it. Then examine it some more. See everything that looks like something off in the distance? I want to go to there.

Eww, bro. Don't be f*cking with the low quality nonsense.

[spoiler=HQ Pic]wiiu_zelda_scrn01_e3xeexh.png[/spoiler]

Aonuma is trolling guys. "No one explicitly said that that was Link."
Would honestly not mind if he/she turned out to be SS Link & Zelda's kid.

MMGN had an interview with Aonuma in which the latter denied the "Link is Female/Not Link" rumors. Here's the excerpt:

That was Link you saw in Nintendo's tease of the Wii U Zelda during the E3 Digital Event, and it wasn't a female version, despite online speculation.

Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma told MMGN the comment leading to rumours the character we saw might not be Link was taken out of context, and was intended as a joke.
"It's a rumour," Aonuma said with a chuckle when I asked him about the speculation buzzing around online.

"Actually that comment I made jokingly," he said. "It's not that I said that it wasn't Link. It's that I never said that it was Link. It's not really the same thing, but I can understand how it could be taken that way.

"It seems like it has kind of taken off where people are saying 'oh it's a female character' and it just kind of grew. But my intent in saying that was humour. You know, you have to show Link when you create a trailer for a Zelda announcement."

However, he doesn't want players to focus too much on Link's appearance in the trailer.
"I don't want people to get hung up on the way Link looks because ultimately Link represents the player in the game," he said.

"I don't want to define him so much that it becomes limiting to the players. I want players to focus on other parts of the trailer and not specifically on the character because the character Link represents, again, the player."

Source: http://mmgn.com/wiiu/news--that-was-link-in-zelda-wii-u-trailer-aonuma

Btw, to crush any doubts regarding the Wii U's power:




Not real but I thought it looked cool.
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It's too late, I want a female link in a game now. It just makes sense for one of the time's he's reincarnated for Link to just happen to be a girl.


Just like the Doctor. 13 reincarnations, yet none of them are women or ginger.

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Oh, derp.

Anyway, I don't really see why people were making a big fuss about this. I get that people want to play as Zelda, but what would be the point if she looks exactly like Link?

Everyone started joking that Link looked like a girl, Aonuma started trolling and made everyone think it was possible that either it wasn't Link, or that Link was a girl. Zelda was just a theory.


The "fuss," as you call it (it was hardly a "fuss"), didn't come until Aonuma made it seem like the idea was out there and he might be using it. Personally, I would love to have a game where Link is reborn as a girl. Could always use more playable women in gaming, and Link's always been androgynous enough to make it work. Plus reincarnation shouldn't always make you a human male, so I figure they got the story significance worked out already if they chose to do so.

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Eww, bro. Don't be f*cking with the low quality nonsense.

*opens both images up in two tabs, enlarges both of them and sets them both in the same corner before switching back and forth*

yo, they're the same thing.



Not real but I thought it looked cool.


Good side-by-side





This and another picture look like they were taken from different angles within the same cutscene we saw in the direct, to further prove how great the game is going to look.


[spoiler='another picture']



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