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So this weapon came out yesterday(Didn't get the chance to play it then), and I was fooling around with it earlier today-




The Sploosh-o-matic is similar in appearance to the Splash-o-matic. However, it's less accurate and has less range than its cousin, but has a high damage output. It comes in a set with Squid Beakons and the Killer Wail.

It's like a ghetto Ink Brush in terms of what its capable of doing, and it's really damn silly in Tower Control. I mean, it's like the Aerospray weapons, but has a shorter range, a wider range of fire, and does more damage.

Like, I felt like using it like the Ink Brush, just cuz' the two are pretty similar. However, the Squid Beacons came in handy really nicely. Killer Wail also helpped to secure a lot of wins in Tower Control in general, and This thing can fill the guage pretty easily.

Plus, hiding in oddly specific spoits, only to jump out in someone's face with what is basically a shotgun, is pretty effective.


So I found myself enjoying this weapon, if only because I like the idea of having Beacons with a a weapon that comes off as having a dependency on stealth. So it feels more supportive then the Brush, and can Splat other players in a more reliable manner.

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I'd like it if this game had different hairstyles. Hats are cool, but they're not enough. I've seen some pretty cool-looking ones in fan art that would be totally fresh.

I've seen a handful of Miiverse posts that also mention this. Seems like it would mostly be an aesthetic thing, but still. It would be interesting.


I'm kinda bored with the fact that most of the shirts and legwear are just recolors of each other.


Definitely wish there was more variety in visual flair.

But that's how clothing typically is, though...

Same pattern/etc, but in different colors O,o

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Made another one out of boredom:



Mostly, because I played like 6-ish games earlier today, and they all ended up like this^


Anyway, today we got Neo Splash-O-Matic:



And the E-Liter 3K Scope:



Splash has Burst Bombs and an Ink Zooka


E-Liter has the scope that other scope weapons do, and as such, it has the longest range possible upon full charge.

'Course, this also means it has to charge a bit longer. It has Burst Bombs and Echo Locator

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Those weapons look really cool. Am I correct in seeing that bucket actually used the paint you were standing on to attack with? Or did the ground around the person get covered with green by coincidence just as they used it?


Also, I visited a very special part of YouTube:

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