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Features that make a man sexy


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Now, I'm not male, but I would certainly love to talk about what think makes a man attractive!


A man needs a sense of mystery to him. Not one that makes you suspicious, but one that makes you wonder what amazing features that man could be hiding, or what other interesting qualities he has that he is just waiting to show, already being impressive prior to the revelations of new qualities.


Truly, a man needs a posh, intellectual garb that not only accentuates his high intelligence and improve that mystery that I find so attractive. While beautiful eyes do make a man mesmerizing, imagine one with not only amazing eyes, but a hat that fulfills the role of such a garb and teases your eyes with the momentary showing and hiding of his own. This always leaves you wanting more, regardless of sexual orientation.


Such features are the beginning and the end of what makes a man attractive, in addition to a personality so amazing that only one particular individual could hold it. Or, rather, one could hold a genuine edition of it while the other piddly males attempt to achieve half his masculine prowess. Such an individual, however, does exist, and not only is he on this forum, but he is active. Why, I have graced the young neophytes reading this short opinion the ability to see what makes such a beauty with their own eyes.


But be warned, for your sexual orientation and current relationships may experience changes of such magnitude that you may all spiral into depression and seek this individual's attention to reconsolidate your shattered self-esteem.


 [spoiler=Behold, and if you must immediately begin masturbating furiously, do so under your desk or outside class, for I will be waiting, empathetic to your lack of resistance to such an urge]39519IRLMe.jpg[/spoiler]

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^Any specific kind of talent?


I think generally people want to be in relationships with those whom they find to be unique and different, per say. Talent is possibly the best way to adequately represent that. It doesn't even have to be anything in particular, though everyone has things that they find to be appealing. 


Personally, I've always found girls that play instruments to be quite attractive. 

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  • Talent (bodybuilding/weight lifting, academic intelligence, cooking/food prep, etc). As Night mentioned, it depends on what the person is looking for. I like girls who are smart and are good at cooking.
  • Looks (Probably someone who doesn't have a lot of blemishes [unlike me at times, I am keeping them in check however] or scars; though some women may like their men with scars for the toughness appeal. Having a six-pack is cool though, but that fades as you get older.)
  • Empathy/Sympathy (Is said guy able to understand feelings or doesn't really care)
  • Money
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