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YCM Grand Pokemon Tournament Finals!


Favorite Pokemon  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your Favorite Pokemon?

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It's finally here. After a huge struggle, beating opponent after opponent, these two mighty Pokemon rise to the top, to battle it out for supremacy? Who will win? You decide!







Match will end on 6-15-14

There will be no TKOs, both of these Pokemon will unleash all they have, to find out who is truly superior.


May the best Pokemon win.

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i've always found sceptile loses a lot of its coolness by evolving, i like treecko the best out of the gen 3 starters but sceptile is just ehh, nothing special to me.


the same somewhat goes for flygon because i really like trapinch but unlike sceptile flygon's a very different mon and i can see the attraction on flygon as well whereas sceptile just seems like treecko gone wrong.

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After on-off voting throughout, I'll come in for the final.


Haven't voted for either of these throughout and am surprised by them being the final two. Mudkip was always my started in Gen 3 as never liked Sceptile (Treecko on other hand is cool just for his twig-pick in the anime and being like "Hey yo".) Flygon I've used a couple of times in the games too, but never really bought into it.


I think I'm gonna have to just go for dragon solidarity, even if I prefer Salamance/Garchomp/Goopy and evolutions/et all.

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Regardless of when it ends, I'm pretty sure Flygon wins XD


Sceptile started off with a strong led, but #Flygon2014 has done it again!


With an astoundind lead over the grass reptile, Flygon goes to win it all!



Wooo o3o


Now we just gotta wait on the 3rd place match to give the awards XP

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