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[CFV] Legion Raizers for the penniless university student

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[spoiler=Old build]

I looked up the JCG prices a couple weeks back, and this is made under the assumption that the JCG prices will roll over to the ECG release, which in that case, this deck should be around $45.


G0s: 21

1 Miraioh (Starter)

4 Cat Butler

2 Meteoraizer (Crit)

4 Red Lightning (Crit)

4 Raizer Crew (Draw)

2 Van Paurus (Draw)

4 Raizer Kate (Heal)


G1s: 14

3 Shout

2 Clay Doll

4 Shieldraizer (Sentinel/ Quintet Wall)

3 Energy Charger


G2s: 8

3 High Torpedo

4 Flare Wing

1 Wingraizer


G3s: 5

4 Drill Wing

1 Anchor Arm



Pretty much just dropped the Flare Bros. for the Marine Dudes.


Mega Flare in the JCG was $35 ($140 for a 4-card set) or so when I checked, and everything else was cheap.


Anchor Arm is a basic Legion. It attacks for 25000 while attacking in Legion, and is a 12000 in the RC, making 7 Flare Wings total.



EDIT: New list suggested by a V-Mundi member.


G0: 21

1 Blaujunger

4 Cat Butler

4 Meteoraizer (Crit)

4 Red Lightning (Crit)

4 Shining Lady (Crit)

4 Raizer Kate (Heal)


G1: 13

4 Cannonraizer

1 Tankraizer

4 Blaupanzer

4 Twin Blader/ Solar Falcon/ Blau Dunkelheit (Sentinel/ Perfect Guard)


G2: 8

1 High Torpedo

4 Flare Wing

1 Blaukluger

2 Frozen Ogre


G3: 8

4 Drill Wing

4 Anchor Arm

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