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Satellite Knights (My way of saying Satellarknights)


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2x Satellaknight Unukalhai

3x Satellaknight Altair

1x Satellaknight Dog Star (Sirius)

3x Satellaknight Deneb

1x Satellaknight Alpha Saggitae (Alsahm)

2x Goblindbergh

2x Satellaknight Procyon

3x Satellaknight Vega

1x Honest


1x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Soul Charge

2x Warrior Returning Alive

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Book of Moon

2x Starcrossed Satellaknights


1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Breakthrough Skill

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x Wiretap

2x Celestial Factor

1x Solemn Warning


2x Stellaknight Delteros

1x Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

1x Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight

1x Constellar Omega

1x Blade Armor Ninja

1x Stellarknight Triveil

1x Heroic Champion - Gandiva

1x Number 50: Black Corn

1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK

1x Castel, the Avian Skyblaster

1x Starliege Paladynamo

1x Abyss Dweller

1x Gagaga Cowboy

1x Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomiant


And I apparently forgot to add Excalibur. Oh well.


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Don't worry, you don't really need Excal when DRXD and #86 are at your disposal.


Also, why do people keep running Procy? You could take them, and some other thing, out for the Reptile engine so that you can churn out Xyzs without relying on Goblind/Vega. Plus, with KotFI, it's searchable. You can actually play Deneb + Kageto and basically search out everything you need for another Xyz to play next turn.

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Don't worry, you don't really need Excal when DRXD and #86 are at your disposal.


Also, why do people keep running Procy? You could take them, and some other thing, out for the Reptile engine so that you can churn out Xyzs without relying on Goblind/Vega. Plus, with KotFI, it's searchable. You can actually play Deneb + Kageto and basically search out everything you need for another Xyz to play next turn.

why would you cut Procyon, it's free draw power


Reptile engine's bad rigth now in anything that doesn't 100% require it because Midrash

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This deck dies badly to Midrash anyways, its only out are Honest, BTS, and CotH plays (that you aren't running..., why?). If nothing else, Kage is better than Goblindbergh. I'd also cut down Sirius to 1, if you want to keep it at all.

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I originally had 1 Procyon, but I had room so I put in another, didn't regret it. Wanted 2 Sham, but the new ones don't make space for 2 shams that easily.

Would really like to Squeeze in a third Goblind, or a Butterspy since everytime I Goblin, I get BTS'd.

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why would you cut Procyon, it's free draw power


Reptile engine's bad rigth now in anything that doesn't 100% require it because Midrash

It's just that it's a +0 that replaces other things, and a lot of the Satellars are pretty potent in the hand anyway. The only things that are dead enough to drop for it would be Unuks post-getting Deneb in the Grave, Sirius because it's not live until way later, a Vega if your hand doesn't have many Satellars anyway, or maybe the Alsahm.


And I guess that the Reptile engine isn't a must, but being searchable by things that wouldn't rather just search Satellars seems pretty nice, since Goblind is pretty much moar Vega minus the archetype support and LIGHT Attribute.

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Late and slightly off topic, but I assume that's DevPro, right? I recently installed it, but Knights Procyon and Sirius are nowhere to be found in the deck editor.

How do you have them? Could it be that I am missing an update?


Anyway, because of Triveil, is it possible that Fiendish Chain could be used instead of Breakthrough Skill?

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Late and slightly off topic, but I assume that's DevPro, right? I recently installed it, but Knights Procyon and Sirius are nowhere to be found in the deck editor.

How do you have them? Could it be that I am missing an update?


Anyway, because of Triveil, is it possible that Fiendish Chain could be used instead of Breakthrough Skill?


I have YGOPro, not DevPro.


Photon Thrasher is better then Goblindbergh, IMO.
Extra Deck also needs Bujin Tsukuyomi.


Space for Tsukuyomi?


I'll test the Thrashers though.

This deck dies badly to Midrash anyways, its only out are Honest, BTS, and CotH plays (that you aren't running..., why?). If nothing else, Kage is better than Goblindbergh. I'd also cut down Sirius to 1, if you want to keep it at all.


I only run 1 Sirius... ...what are you talking about?

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Swap Cowboy for it.
Cowboy's "lel 800 for gaem" is so lackluster and pointless half the time, it literally sits in your Extra Deck and does nothing otherwise; Hence, you swap it.


Hmm. Maybe. But that 1800 threshhold with Sham.. 

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Hmm. Maybe. But that 1800 threshhold with Sham.. 


I was playing a guy yesterday.

He's at 4800, plays Soul Charge, pays 3000 to bring back a bunch of those defensive samurai robot things.

No way I dare attack him.


Altair - Sham and he's gunned down.

It's amazing how freely people will throw away LP.

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