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[MtG] Rod's birthday, obligatory Maelstrom Wanderer thread


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Every Maelstrom wander deck I've ever seen has just been some degenerate combo deck. If you play this card you can guarantee I'll take you out of the game before you can cast it.


Unfortunately for you, I can easily cast Wanderer on turn 4, and sometimes on turn 3, mwahahaha!

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This card should not have been legendary.

There. I said it.

The CMC8 isn't a problem (actually, it's more of a boon) because MW's in green, and it gets you free stuff upon cast. Not ETB, cast. Prossh is stupid like that and so is this: although it makes it much less abusable, the only way to nuke that trigger is with a Time Stop. I've thus seen too many MW builds that are simply uncreative goodstuff decks that just spit things onto the board without a care as to what they're doing. [/rant]

The only good thing is that if people are any good at threat evaluation, they'll know to take the MW out quickly and efficiently so they can enjoy the rest of their game. There's no way to play him subtly. |D

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When your opponents are Kaalia, Mimeoplasm and Rafiq, Wanderer becomes much less of a threat. Yes, I've had a game like this. xD

Jeez. My playgroup's nowheres near that intense. However, that's not you being subtle than it is more your opponents being so loud as to drown you out. :'D
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Jeez. My playgroup's nowheres near that intense. However, that's not you being subtle than it is more your opponents being so loud as to drown you out. :'D


Fair enough. My playgroup is mostly consisted of seasoned players that have had significant results in the pro scene, so they take even commander pretty seriously. If you try to play with a half-assed deck, you won't win.


It's not a problem for me though, I like the extra challenge, and it helped me dedicate myself a lot into building my deck.

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Fair enough. My playgroup is mostly consisted of seasoned players that have had significant results in the pro scene, so they take even commander pretty seriously. If you try to play with a half-assed deck, you won't win.

Makes sense. Only one player in our group regularly goes anywhere beyond FNM level (and he's always first target and thus rarely wins), and half of us just do EDH nowadays.
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I keep a nevermore in a side board for stuff like this.


I'm a terrible person.


Speaking of, I did play a game where a guy dropped a turn 3 Nevermore calling Wanderer.


Acidic Slime is still in my deck though :3

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