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[CFV] Post-EB12 Regalia


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1 Regalia of Prayer, Pray Angel
4 Far Sight Regalia, Clear Angel
3 Battle Maiden, Kukurihime
3 Regalia Draw Trigger
2 Mirror Regalia, Achlis
4 Regalia of Benevolence, Eir

4 Exorcism Regalia, Shiny Angel
4 Regalia of Frozen Breath, Svalin
3 Goddess of Union, Junon
3 Apple Witch, Cider

4 Regalia of Midday, Hemera
4 Regalia of Fate, Norn
3 Goddess of Trees, Jupiter

4 Cosmic Regalia, CEO Yggdrasil
2 Regalia of Wisdom, Angelica
2 Omniscience Regalia, Minerva

Theorying what I feel will be one of the most powerful decks, up there with Raizers and Seekers, post EB12. Pray Angel may be interchangeable with the Shizuku clone for Genesis, but I went with Pray Angel due to it soulcharging and adding power to Yggdrasil whenever I want to go ham at my opponent's Vanguard. Minerva and Angelica are back-up Vanguards because they are much stronger than Nyx and it gives me 6 good early game rides with 6 good late game rides. Especially since Minerva closes out games with her massive power due to the new Regalia supports to boosts the hell out of your Vanguard, especially since she already +5s herself on a restand.
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You beat me to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit gdi
You didn't use the G2 that CB1 for +5k and SC3 over Jupiter?

3 reasons why I feel Jupiter's better:
- Jupiter can hit Vanguards by herself, which is important in a deck playing Stands.
- The 9000 costs a Counterblast, which I would much rather use for Quintet Walls and/or Minerva.
- Only half of my Vanguards are Legions, which I am not guaranteed to ride and actually use if I get Angelica or Minerva first. As a result, I'd rather have a 9+3 than just a 9.
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