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Two 12-Year-Old Girls Stabbed Their Friend 19 Times, Saying Internet Meme “Slender Man” Told Them To


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I'm guessing they learnt about Slendy through Pewdiepie. Come on, it's obvious. Most viewed Slendy thing on Youtube is his stupid little video, it's hardly surprising two 12 year old girls came across it.

The problem is, of course, how they came up with the 'Slenderman made us do it' excuse. There's nothing in the Slenderman myth that tells people to kill others, so I find it kinda odd. My three theories from the previous page are up for discussion, anyway...

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Young children have such easily influenced minds. This whole thing is crazy, but it makes me wonder who thought it was a good idea to expose young children to Slenderman. (Saying that Goat Simulator seems to have a Slenderman themed thing in it, and Minecraft's Enderman is very close to that in design also). Very sad that this was against their own friend.

This post... eh...
To say that the issue in this is that children were exposed to a fictional character - pardon, a fictional character based upon a fictional character, as well as music that somehow is (how does that work, again..?) - Is just silly. Slenderman was not the issue. The issue was that these two girls had nobody to turn to so as to assist them with whatever maybe be plaguing them internally, instead feeling that they had to go to some eccentric "higher power".
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This post... eh...
To say that the issue in this is that children were exposed to a fictional character - pardon, a fictional character based upon a fictional character, as well as music that somehow is (how does that work, again..?) - Is just silly. Slenderman was not the issue. The issue was that these two girls had nobody to turn to so as to assist them with whatever maybe be plaguing them internally, instead feeling that they had to go to some eccentric "higher power".

Seems unlikely. Slenderman was never described to be some mystical 'higher power' in any of his stories, he's more of a boogeyman-type monster. If Slenderman did make them do it, it'd be less of "Hey I'm Slenderman I'm like totes famous and awesome and you should kill this girl!" And more of "I'm Slenderman and I'll kill your family/friend if you don't kill this girl." Honestly, there's just too little about the case that we know at the moment. If we knew things like how they were acting when they were arrested, whether or not they showed remorse and their emotion while doing the crime- the motive would've been easier to guess.
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Seems unlikely. Slenderman was never described to be some mystical 'higher power' in any of his stories, he's more of a boogeyman-type monster. If Slenderman did make them do it, it'd be less of "Hey I'm Slenderman I'm like totes famous and awesome and you should kill this girl!" And more of "I'm Slenderman and I'll kill your family/friend if you don't kill this girl." Honestly, there's just too little about the case that we know at the moment. If we knew things like how they were acting when they were arrested, whether or not they showed remorse and their emotion while doing the crime- the motive would've been easier to guess.

The original article said they were hoping to become proxies. HOPING. They went into this willingly.
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...I feel like this is some Justin Bieber-level stuff. After all, that scumbag's influence has led to thousands of girls around this age to do terrible, stupid things. Perhaps Slendy is the Bieber to these two.


I'unno, them girls are nuts.


Condolences to the victim. I hope her spirit is tough as nails, cause something like this could easily crush it, I'd imagine.

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...I feel like this is some Justin Bieber-level stuff. After all, that scumbag's influence has led to thousands of girls around this age to do terrible, stupid things. Perhaps Slendy is the Bieber to these two.
I'unno, them girls are nuts.
Condolences to the victim. I hope her spirit is tough as nails, cause something like this could easily crush it, I'd imagine.

Pretty much what I think this is. They wanted Slendy-senpai to notice them, so they attacked their friend to gain favor.
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I live in America actually and I'll say this. Why should I feel sympathy for one persons death when there are 1000s of people dieing everyday? I would need to feel sympathy for all of those people otherwise I'd just be singling people out. What then?


Who's forcing you to feel sympathetic for the girl, and why do you make it seem like such a chore to do so? The act of feeling sympathetic is nothing more than merely acknowledging the notion that someone is in a predicament, that's literally it. 


Using fiction is REALLY bad argument feed. It's about the worst thing you could use, really.




You don't think that our thoughts have any correlation with how we act and feel? 


I don't believe that. If you felt like, and actually WENT THROUGH WITH, killing someone then you aren't of sound mind. Sure, you could feel like killing someone, but if you're of sound mind you will keep yourself from going through with it.

If you enjoy killing, then yes, you are crazy I think. Because you lack the moral and logical part of your mind that tells you not to kill people and enjoy it.


But what are morals? It's something that we as humans established as a set of guidelines for how to act. 


Do you think cavemen had morals? 


"A fictional character told them to kill their classmate for no reason." I'm pretty sure that qualifies as insane.


Or merely children who's brains have yet to fully develop legitimately believing in something.


Maybe to them it's not fictional, people believe in some way out there stuff.


I mean, should we say that everyone who kills someone for the sake of religion is insane? If someone killed someone else for the sake of God or some other religious figure, I'd consider them doing it for a fictional character.


Pretty much this, just because you know it doesn't exist, doesn't mean a fucking 12 year old will have the same mind-set. 


If I ever have kids, I am going to monitor the shit out of their online interactions.  (Within reason.)


I'm not going to indefinitely say that it's the parents fault in this scenario, but I do agree with monitoring and feel as if it's the parents responsibility to sit their child down and explain to them what's right, what's wrong, what exists and what does not. 


I don't think many people grasp just how important this is, most people think that there's no way a 12 year old could even conceptualize the notion of murder, but clearly it's quite possible.


Actually yes I think every person who murders someone, not including self-defense and accidents and such, are in some way mentally ill. You'd have to have something wrong with your head to be able to kill another person like that.

However I do not believe being mentally ill is an excuse unless it's massively ill, like to extreme levels.

People walk around with minor mental illness all the time without murdering, or trying to.


How do you know? Are you mentally ill? No? So then I don't see how you could be so sure.


Listen, everything honestly isn't black and white. I can't say for sure that these kids acted due to mental illness or otherwise and neither can you. 




What can we take away from this? Well, firstly, we need to understand that kids are very susceptible to being influenced, that's why it's imperative that the parents are involved with the child so that they can teach them directly what's right and what isn't. Secondly, we need to remove this notion of complete privacy. Monitor what kids do on the computer and who they choose to interact with. Invasion of privacy? It's 2014 and every pre-pubescent kid has a personal computer, they're all masturbating, who gives a fuck. There's a more important fact and it's that there are child predators on the internet who are looking to take advantage of kids, just because it isn't a common occurrence, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. If these girls could be tricked into believing a fucking tentacle monster in a suit exists, how hard do you think it'll be for a pedophile to take advantage of them? Quite simply, there is just lot of shit on here that a child at the age of 12 cannot fully grasp on their own. Parents, do your fucking jobs please. 

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Who's forcing you to feel sympathetic for the girl, and why do you make it seem like such a chore to do so? The act of feeling sympathetic is nothing more than merely acknowledging the notion that someone is in a predicament, that's literally it. 



It's not a chore, I just simply cannot feel sympathy. I wasn't even able to feel sympathy for the 9/11 attack (Was 11 at the time) so something like this wouldn't even phase me. Does that make me a bad person? Are you going to hate me cause I don't?


For the first, who knows.

For the second, go right ahead. I could understand why you would.


That being said, I can understand that these acts are considered bad, immoral and all of that. I'm just irked when people bring up miniscule death related events like this that get to much coverage.

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^I can see where you're coming from in that these types of stories get too much coverage, but I'm not feeling your whole "I'm incapable of sympathy" shtick. In saying "I wasn't even able to feel sympathy for the 9/11 attack", you acknowledged a specific instance that you believe calls for feeling sympathy, which in of itself is feeling sympathy.


But yeah, it's strange how when something like this comes up people react as if it's a new low when [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_use_of_children]child soldiers[/url] have been around for time immemorial. 


Whatever the case may be, remember:










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Is this a for the fact that they can't go for the insanity plead or something else?


And people are freaking bout the 60 years thing...it's not a verdict. It's a POSSIBLE maximum. They are several other child perp that committed murder was sentenced for a long serve were release with a new identity while others got their sentences shorten 

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It's not a chore, I just simply cannot feel sympathy. I wasn't even able to feel sympathy for the 9/11 attack (Was 11 at the time) so something like this wouldn't even phase me. Does that make me a bad person? Are you going to hate me cause I don't?


Not saying that I particularly buy what you are selling here, but not being able to feel sympathy and empathize with fellow human beings is a sign of being a sociopath. There are of course varying degrees of being sociopath. There are some that become killers and then there are some that are able to function in society, albeit with a great deal of difficult. If that is true, it is worrying. But I am honestly getting the vibe that you are putting on act here.


I watched that video, posted on page three, and saw that someone disagreed with the idea that some people were born to be killers. I, obviously, can't say definitively whether some people are, but there are people born that are unable to feel the emotions that stop from doing heinous crimes. Those emotions being sympathy, regret, remorse, and love. More times than not, those type of people, sociopaths, end up being criminals, a large number of them becoming serial killers. If that isn't a testament that there are some people born to kill, then I don't know what is. Granted, there are a few that are able to understand that it is wrong to kill and are able to stave off their impulses. Similarly, there are people that get off, sexually, from violence and even murder. Now, obviously, there is a difference between being into S&M and being aroused by executions, but there is a correlation there. These people are born, hardwired to be attracted to violence and death. Another thing that makes me think that being born a killer isn't so strange. Now that, of course, is not an act of condoning their actions. If you are sexually attracted to violence and murder then get some fucking restraint. 



Since it was premeditated, they can't go for the insanity plead. 


That is reassuring. Truly, the fact they were planning it for four months is incredibly unsettling and speaks volumes that they knew what they were doing. Lock'em up!



Yeah but they were white so shouldn't they just get a slap on the wrist?


I am not saying that we don't live in a society that doesn't have racial biases or predetermined prejudices, but I don't think you are being completely fair with that sentiment either. In this case in particular, there are a large number of white people that want these girls locked up, myself included. They are sick and sadistic. That is what truly matters here. Not that they are white or female. 

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Not saying that I particularly buy what you are selling here, but not being able to feel sympathy and empathize with fellow human beings is a sign of being a sociopath. There are of course varying degrees of being sociopath. There are some that become killers and then there are some that are able to function in society, albeit with a great deal of difficult. If that is true, it is worrying. But I am honestly getting the vibe that you are putting on act here.


I watched that video, posted on page three, and saw that someone disagreed with the idea that some people were born to be killers. I, obviously, can't say definitively whether some people are, but there are people born that are unable to feel the emotions that stop from doing heinous crimes. Those emotions being sympathy, regret, remorse, and love. More times than not, those type of people, sociopaths, end up being criminals, a large number of them becoming serial killers. If that isn't a testament that there are some people born to kill, then I don't know what is. Granted, there are a few that are able to understand that it is wrong to kill and are able to stave off their impulses. Similarly, there are people that get off, sexually, from violence and even murder. Now, obviously, there is a difference between being into S&M and being aroused by executions, but there is a correlation there. These people are born, hardwired to be attracted to violence and death. Another thing that makes me think that being born a killer isn't so strange. Now that, of course, is not an act of condoning their actions. If you are sexually attracted to violence and murder then get some f***ing restraint. 




That is reassuring. Truly, the fact they were planning it for four months is incredibly unsettling and speaks volumes that they knew what they were doing. Lock'em up!




I am not saying that we don't live in a society that doesn't have racial biases or predetermined prejudices, but I don't think you are being completely fair with that sentiment either. In this case in particular, there are a large number of white people that want these girls locked up, myself included. They are sick and sadistic. That is what truly matters here. Not that they are white or female. 


There is no act. I don't show sympathy for the death of others unless I'v formed some sort of attachment towards the person. Selfish? Perhaps, is that going to change? Nope. As for being a criminal, I have done no crimes and have no plans in the future. I can say that I'm a shut in. When I am around people, I'm often quiet and assessing whats going on around me. So yes, I'm certainly different from most people. However, I cant say I'm so messed up that I don't have a moral compass.

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The LEAST scariest thing I've ever seen, and I've seen alot of scary stuff in real life.


A tall gentleman with a pale white, faceless head in a suit is not my idea of scary.


How do you blame it on a Fictional character, Slenderman doesn't stab people.






He just impales them on trees.


Well it isn't scary to you, but to two twelve year old, impressionable girls it might be. Or it could be just a made up excuse. Who knows?

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But what are morals? It's something that we as humans established as a set of guidelines for how to act. 


Do you think cavemen had morals? 


How do you know? Are you mentally ill? No? So then I don't see how you could be so sure.


Listen, everything honestly isn't black and white. I can't say for sure that these kids acted due to mental illness or otherwise and neither can you. 

First, you obviously read through all of what was said, so that's impressive. Many people just skim so I'll give you that.


But yes, that is what morals are. Which is why, in my opinion, what can be described as mentally ill (In the instance of unable to think morally) can change depending on the time. I'm just saying now, in America, it is considered immoral to kill people with no just cause. So someone who deviates from it could have some sort of mental illness rendering them unable to think morally and making it more difficult (but not impossible) to not do certain things. I'm sure cavemen had some kind of morals yes.


And yes. I am, according to my theory, mentally ill. I have certain mental issues in my head I will freely admit that. As I said, i don't mean everyone is severely mentally ill, just that everyone has some level of mental illness. And I'm not saying I'm 100% right, just that it is what I believe from what I've observed.

And yeah I've met and known about people with more obvious mental illnesses who don't kill.


And no, things aren't black and white. Which also means you can't say "Oh, you're wrong about people being mentally ill because THIS is what mental illness is." I also agree with you, that I can't say for sure whether they have a severe mental illness. Just that it would appear that, if they can do that to their friend, they have some issues. Of course, if they were forced into it, that's another matter. But if they truly did it for the reasons stated, yes.

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Is this a for the fact that they can't go for the insanity plead or something else?


And people are freaking bout the 60 years thing...it's not a verdict. It's a POSSIBLE maximum. They are several other child perp that committed murder was sentenced for a long serve were release with a new identity while others got their sentences shorten 

They can't go for an insanity plea. That's amazing. 

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I like how people on other websites use the "You don't have a child so you don't understand." I have children. If they stabbed some kid to near death I would have left them on the front step of the police department duct taped with a recording of their confessions but of course that's child neglect so I would get charged too. Either way the little psychopaths need to be in there for awhile and probably be sentenced to life in an institution.  

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