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boxing time

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i was just looking for a new deck when i stumble across this boxers...then when i dueled with my friend, he was scratching his head because he doesn't know how to deal with it...so in the end of the day, he asked me to post this deck to be criticize by you, great and respectable duelist...without further a due i present to you the burning knucklers (battlin' boxers) 


3x burning knuckler glassjaw

3x burning knuckler switchhitter

3x burning knuckler spar

3x burning knuckler headgear

3x burning knuckler counterblow

1 blaster, dragon ruler of infernos

1 masked chameleon/ kamenleon

1 effect veiler



1 burial from different dimension

1 dark hole

1 foolish burial

1 forbidden garment

3x mystical space typhoon

2x rank-up magic numerion force

1 reinforcement of the army

1 the warrior returning alive



1 bottomless trap hole

1 breakthrough skill

1 call of the haunted

2x dimensional prison

1 mirror force

1 starlight road

1 solemn warning 

1 torrential tribute

2x xyz reflect


extra deck(10):

1 number C39: utopia ray victory

1 number 39 : utopia

1 number 104: masquerade magician - shinning

1 number C105: burning knuckler - caestus the comet

1 number 105: burning knuckler - cestus the meteor

3x burning knuckler leadblow the bound barbarian

1 crimson blader

1 stardust dragon


so the question is that... is this deck consistent enough?or do i need to insert some more suitable cards which will make its synergy improve?if so, what cards should i add and remove to improve its consistency and synergy?


i'm open to any suggestion and comments you wish to post... thank you and cheers!

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