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WATER you doing in the Wetlands?

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Basicly its frogs with some ice barrier help.

Deck list:
2 Cryomancer (has the best ATK of all the main decks + can do some attack prevention)
3 Dewdark (2400 direct attacks with wetlands makes it a force to be reckoned with)
3 Submarine Frog (powerful peircer, dupe and ronin target)
2 Prior (helps to get Cryos effect on, easy synchro and xyz engine, can revive dewdark or cryo)
2 Penguin Knight (gets things off the field)
3 Uniforg (1600 direct, can pop spell/trap if another frog is there)
2 Ronintoadin (removes frogs for oh fish! and s repeatable wall/ xyz fodder)
3 dupe frog (frog searcher, if 2+ on the field, no attacks)
3 aqua jet (1000 atk and def perm is great, esspecially with dewdark)
2 terraforming (essential for getying wetlands fast)
3 wetlands (the only reason this deck works, amps up all main deckers by 1200)
2 Posiden wave (prevents attacks, nice burn with a semi full field)
1 bottomless trap hole (do I need a reason?)
2 mirror force (see bth)
2 slip of fortune (helps activate fish rain, prevents attacks)
2 breakthrough skill (stops nasty destruction effects, can help with running over boosted cards)
2 fish rain (helps to get fodder out after a slip or temple removal)
2 forgotten temple (also helps with fish rain, helps cards avoid destruction)
1 solemn warning (see mirror force)
2 oh fish! (Helps recycle frogs removed for ronintoadin)
2 Powered inzectron (nice temp undestructo beater, an excuse to put frogs in grave)
2 underworld fighter balmang (can ss a monster afyer getting poped by effects, puts frogs in grave)
2 Armory Arm (nice booster with a nice burn effect)
2 herald of pure light (helps recycle non-frogs)
3 Armored kappa (helps keep field advantage)

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