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Just Crouton

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I should be EXHAUSTED. I haven't slept in DAYS. But I CAN'T GET TIRED. No matter how hard I TRY. Not on a night like THIS. Not with my PULSE pounding my EARS and dear CROUTONIA calling to me like a sultry SIREN.


I leave the MACHISMOBILE parked in a BACK ALLEY off YCM and DGZ. That's taking a CHANCE--some LOSER with IDEAS might SPOT it and get himself ELECTROCUTED trying to STEAL it.


That'd be DAMNED inconvenient.


But I've got no CHOICE. I can't stay inside the car tonight. I can't stay inside ANYTHING. Not TONIGHT.


The WIND off the RIVER rips across the rooftops, fish-smelly and cold as all HELL.


Twenty stories below me, some IDIOT leans on the horn of his PETERBILT.


Some LOON two blocks behind me LAUGHS and calls to JESUS.


It's a beautiful night.


It's a perfect night.


It's a hunter's night.


Every INCH of me is ALIVE.

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Dude, I'm not just gonna ignore that you're into Chaotix just because you went even more coocoo.


You're BUSTED.


I know who you ARE.


And you've got NO damn idea who I am.


I'm a NINJA and a KING and a GOD and an evil BUSINESSMAN. I'm not MIGHTIER than the pounding SURF. I can't POST IN BLUE on an internet FORUM. But I'm SMART.


One HELL of a lot smarter than YOU'LL ever be.

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