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Crystal Whatnow?


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to be honest. you don't want hamon anymore,

-3 hamon

+3 cobalt eagle

and get chidori in your extra deck so you can pop more. it's a strong removal on summon effect, with even more bounce removal built in.

trust me, it works.

then remove a promise and add another of the field spell. you need 3 to make the deck run well enough to rely on it. and there isn't anything to worry about it being a dead card in hand as once your drawing, you just pop it down and cycle it through.

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Thanks for the Xyz advice, I will definatly add those. If I abandon Hamon, what would be a more viable Strategy? I was thinking Abundance but this would cost me 2-3 slots in my Deck. Should I also run Terraforming to get the Ruins I need?


Current Edits

- 3 Hamon

+1 Dragon Queen

+1 Duality

+1 Ruins

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After weighing my options, I have decided to go Abundance. Here is a few Edits I have done.


+3 Crystal Abundance

+1 Magician of Faith (to help get back a Spell and to feed Monk)

-2 Crystal Promise

-1 Crystal Release

-1 Dragon Queen


EDIT: After testing for a few Duels, there has been cards here that are pretty much Dead Draws to me. More edits....


- 2 Crystal Release

- 1 Crystal Abundance

+ 2 Crystal Promise

+ 1 Gold Sarcophagus

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Just lost 2-1 to Sylvan. Was not expecting the destruction and return to hand effects.... I think my Deck lacks in the punch it needs to survive. Abundance is all well and good but most people can see it coming as no-one runs Rainbow Dragon.... Maybe I could tweak the Deck a bit to revolve more around Beast Supoort considering most of my Monsters are Beasts.

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Tested it on YGO Percy this Evening and racked up a total of 9-5.


I noticed that any Deck that got control of the field pretty much screwed me (Six Sams and Sylvans were my Kryptonite)


Managed to hold my own against Artifacts and Shaddols (Pulled off a epic Abundance OTK with 600 LP left against Shaddols)


Slaughtered Lavals and Stall Burn.


So yeah... I have been getting a few really bad opening hands (3 Promises in one opener hurt a lot) But then again I got great hands (2 Pegasus, a Promise and a Beacon to set up for Rare Value Turn 1). I need to find a way of toning down the chance of a bad hand.

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-every CB bar Pegasus, Ruby, and 2 Topaz

+ 3 Cobalt. Cobalt does more for the deck due to the simple fact that it's a WIND Winged Beast, giving you another way to summon Chidori, and gives access to two really damn powerful cards in Zerofyne and Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon. Also, both it and Amber is basically vanillas, so you need to pick the better one of the two. Also tempted to say cut the Topaz to 1, but the card below changed my mind.




+3 Ayers Rock Sunrise. The -'d card is just hurting the deck's little consistency, and Ayers is potent here, since it can revive Pegasus and Cobalt for free, and the -ATK effect can do a lot to some boards.


-Sarc, and the traps.

+Compulse, Torrential, and 2 Pinpoint Guard, or alternatively, 1 Pinpoint and 3 Upstarts. Those three traps are the traps that one should ever consider running in CBs. Upstart is Upstart. Use it if you can't open with Pegasus consistently enough.


Also, things to consider:


-1 Blessing and 1 Abundance for 2 Soul Charge. Fills the same role as Blessing, really. And you'll use it to revive only a Carbuncle (and maybe some Pegasus) most of the time, so LP cost is no problem.


If you had made those changes, try fitting in 1 Zerofyne, 1 Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon, and 1 more Lightning Chidori in the extra deck. Those are damn good here with Cobalt and Pegasus, as have been said above.

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To be honest I always disregarded Cobalt due to its Mediocre effect of returning a CB to the Deck. I am glad you suggested keeping Topaz there as I enjoy having a 2000 ATK monster even if it only lasts an attack or two. Blessing was at 2 to help get back CB's for a sneaky Rare Value or Beacon to get Pegasus out (Pegasus is of course the meat of the Deck)


I am surprised that you suggested -1 Abundance. My goal around this WAS Abundance but then realized that I was getting Dead Draws with the only use going for it being food for Monk.


Wow, that Soul Charge is delicious..... First time I have ever seen that. Ruby for 1000 LP? 2 or 3 Pegasus's from the Grave? Yes please!


Haha I always thought that Ayer's was a Anime only card XD Definatly worth it to get a Pegasus back to the field (Seem to be mentioning that a lot....)


I take it compulse is used to either get Pegasus back to my hand for Resummon or to hit my opponent? Seems good enough.


Torrential is a given seeing how it can nuke my Crystal Beasts (Exactly what I want)


Pinpoint Guard is again another card I have never seen. And again in affects Pegasus lol. Wow, you are actually really being helpful here. I can see this Deck working.


SUprprised about Upstart. I know its good for Deck Thinning but don't understand how it affects the CB Mentality. I will consider it though.


Yeah MoF was always the oddball here... I only included her due to my large amount of Spells and the ability to get cards like Value back.


I will make a V2 right now and give it a go on YGOPro. From what you have shown me, I can really feel like this will work. I will report all Matches I played in this post to show consistency problems if they arise. Have a well deserved Like from me. Thanks again for your help.

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Well, with Ayers and Charge, the need for Blessing lessened, since reviving a Pegasus is somewhat similar to that, and not to mention I did mention to cut an Abundance, so there's another reason why it only played at 1, as a backup or for the times when you need to have your City set.


MoF is less than stellar here simply because of one thing. Crystal Beasts can't afford going into the defensive without a field already set. Lack of backrow, lack of protection effect, yeah. The reward MoF offers is not worth risking your opponent screwing your game thanks to you delaying your offensive.

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can you post the new version of the deck, I"d like to see how you have it setup.

Sure give me 5 minutes or so to import it into DN (As the Deck is on YGOPro atm)


EDIT: Done. I dinno.... Seeing 22 Spells is a lot. But I know I have a good few chances o revive the monsters I do have. WOuldn't it be wise to maybe add one or two of those Royal Library thingies? The monster that can let you Draw once you have 3 Spell Counters on it?


Its not too bad on YGOPro although I do still get the odd bad hand. Those 2 Upstarts are helping though.

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