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Thar's Matchmaking Questionaire (closed)


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Yes, this is a thing.


1. No spamming, flaming, or raping.
2. Keep things real and simple. Obscure answers might not get you a match.
3. Filled apps MUST be PMed to me.

Disclaimer: This is a joke and not meant to be real unless you want it to be.


What is your name?:
What is your quest?:
What is your eye color?:
What eye color do you like on another person?:
What is your hair color?:
What hair color do you like on another person?:
What is your personality?:
What personality do you like in another person?:
What is your main hobby?:
What... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?:

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  • Replies 65
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Yes, this is a thing.




1. No spamming, flaming, or raping.

2. Keep things real and simple. Obscure answers might not get you a match.

3. Filled apps MUST be PMed to me.


Disclaimer: This is a joke and not meant to be real unless you want it to be.




What is your name?: yes

What is your quest?: yes

What is your eye color?: yes

What is your preferred eye color?: yes

What is your hair color?: yes

What is your preferred hair color?: yes

What is your personality?: yes

What is your preferred personality?: yes

What is your main hobby?: yes

What... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?: hella


[spoiler=real answers]What is your name?: Josh

What is your quest?: "To find the Holy Grail"... or something like that?

What is your eye color?: brown

What is your preferred eye color?: For the other person? blue or brown or something

What is your hair color?: black/brown

What is your preferred hair color?: On the other person? Any, but long hair

What is your personality?: Alone and separate but also really loud

What is your preferred personality?: for the other person? something similar

What is your main hobby?: Yugioh right now

What... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?: HELLA[/spoiler]

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I honestly don't even know how I would describe my own personality.

What do I do?


Just think of key words. It doesn't have to be exact, just something to put back to back with another.

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