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[serious] quiz destinyexodia hina on yugioh cards!


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Fail. It was Sect Ijuin


Kiryu isn't Yusei's friend in the manga, he's more of a rival to JACK who isn't Yusei's friend in that either. In the anime however he, JACK and Crow were firm friends with Yusei earlier in their lives.


Q) Why did Chronos (Crowler) try to get Sho (Syrus) kicked out the Duel Academia in the GX Manga?

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red eyes black dragon, blue eyes white dragon, dark magician, and there is one more...

The only thing similar about any of those cards is that REBD and BEWD have the same Type, while REBD and Dark Magician have the same Attribute... ._.


I meant like the two Darkfire Soldiers (though #1 has 50 more DEF than #2).

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Fail. It was Sect Ijuin


Kiryu isn't Yusei's friend in the manga, he's more of a rival to JACK who isn't Yusei's friend in that either. In the anime however he, JACK and Crow were firm friends with Yusei earlier in their lives.


Q) Why did Chronos (Crowler) try to get Sho (Syrus) kicked out the Duel Academia in the GX Manga?

i  only know about the shows... and when i said about "quiz me on yugioh" i ment cards...

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Then state that in the OP.

Name Gigobyte's most powerful state. There are two correct answers.

Gogiga Gagagigo/Gagagigo the Risen


Believe it or not, Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow had spent one format being Semi-Limited. Why?


Hint: Open your history books, the time frame I speak of goes waaay back to 2005.

Makyura the Destructor + Call of the Haunted loop.



No one said I couldn't answer them first.

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Why doesn't Marik banish Joey to the Shadow Realm in the Battle City Semi-finals?

Because Joey collapsed in exhaustion due to the attack by Ra? I always thought that counted as Shadow Realm anyway as it was a Shadow Game. However Joey never actually reached 0 Life Points so I am guessing this is the reason. SOrry DE if I got it right lol.

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