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If YCMembers were ingredients in your taco...


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Then I'm out. Don't know people here enough to be able to taco-fy them.




Whoever is beefy and powerful is the beef.


Whoever has a bad attitude (sour) is the sour cream.


Whoever's chunky and adds pizazz is the salsa.


Treehuggers would make great lettuce


And any tsundere with thick skin would make a good shell.

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Whoever's wonderful is the cheese.


You know, if you use cheese (because I do).


Oh sh*t, how could I forget about the cheese? 






DL would be the Mushrooms.... Oh how I would love to murder Toad for that....


Tacos with mushrooms...


I need to try that someday.

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Well for me a Taco has to contain Beef (Cowcow), Onions (Dexodia as his old posts made me want to cry), Mushrooms (DL} and Green Peppers. Add some Hot Sauce and some Sour Cream (Koko) Done!


Sounds more like a Fajita than a taco.


Equally as good, though, if not better. :3

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Hmm lets see.
CowCow would be the beef since he has a big heart.
Striker would be the sour cream since he can be a big meanie sometimes.
Bell Peppers would be Agro since he always can add flavor to everything.
Onions would be Destinyexodia since his posts make me cry.
Koko would be hot sauce.
Thar would be the cheese since he adds is the best part (the YCM pairings)
And Yin would be the shell since she along with the mods keep YCM from falling apart.

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CowCow is my beef because I can't think of anyone else who's beefy.


I can't think of anyone with a bad attitude, so I won't put sour cream in this taco.


Not so chunky, but Jaz/Jax adds pizazz, so he's my salsa.


Cheese is wonderful, so Inagro is my cheese.


DL is my softie because. Because why? Just because.

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