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What you have listed in the episode summmary, and what was listed in the card lore seem completely different.
From Episode 195 summary
Turn 17: Zigfried Zigfried draws "Pot of Greed" and subsequently activates it to draw 2 cards. He then activates "Magical Alms", which increases Zigfried's Life Points by 1000 upon its activation (Zigfried 1100 → 2100). Now during each player's turn, the turn player can guess how many Spell Cards they will activate for the rest of that turn. Both players will then gain 500 Life Points for each Spell Card guessed. If the turn player activated less or more Spell Cards than he had guessed though, that player will take 1000 damage for every Spell Card guessed during their End Phase. Zigfried proceeds to use the effect of "Magical Alms", predicting he will activate one more Spell Card this turn. Both players gain 500 Life Points (Zigfried 2100 → 2600; Seto 550 → 1050)
From your above post from turn 17. Both players would take damage equal to the number of cards you guess x 1000.
In your Wikia Entry for this card
You make it out to believe the damage is equal to the number of cards you activated x 1000.
Also did you have to use the effect at the start of Main Phase 1. Wikia effect seem really inaccurate to how it was used on the show.
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