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[serious] destinyexodias pokemon quiz me.


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I'll throw in a second question.


Out of all of the Dragon-Types that currently exist in Pokemon, most of them get hit hard by the new Fairies introduced in Kalos, especially Hydreigon with a double weakness. However, there are four of them that take neutral damage, and two of those have STAB that can deal severe retaliation against said Fairies.


1. Which one of these dragons has a STAB attack capable of killing a Xerneas in a single shot (using listed Smogon sets from any generation)?

2. List the move that can be used and provide the precise amount of damage dealt. You may assume that both Pokemon are Level 100 and that Xerneas has 0 IV/EV in both defensive stats and a neutral nature

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I'll throw in a second question.


"Out of all of the Dragon-Types that currently exist in Pokemon, most of them get hit hard by the new Fairies introduced in Kalos, especially Hydreigon with a double weakness. However, there are four of them that take neutral damage, and two of those have STAB that can deal severe retaliation against said Fairies. Which one of these dragons has a STAB attack capable of killing a Level 100 Xerneas in a single shot (using current Smogon movesets)? List the move that can be used and provide the precise amount of damage dealt. Assume that Xerneas has 0 IVs / 0 EVs and a neutral nature. "

Easy. Dialga. Iron tail. Its power is 90 - 100



Good job. Next question:
Name the Legendary Pokemon that CANNOT learn Protect.

I remember trying to teach regigigas protect but it wont learn. So regigigas.




Klefki or Mawile with Air Balloon.


Air Balloon negates the Ground weakness and gives immunity to Earthquake. Klefki's Fairy/Steel typings negate damage from Dual Chop and Poison Jab, making it impossible for the Haxorus to pop the balloon.


Next question:

The BoltBeam combo (composed of Ice Beam and Thunderbolt) is strongly favoured due to it having very good neutral coverage - very few Pokemon resist both Ice and Electric attacks at once. Of the few, there is Shedinja and Magnezone, but those are easily thwarted with the inclusion of a Fire attack. However, there are a few Pokemon that are capable of resisting (or better) Fire, Ice, and Electric, all at once, being the bane of this otherwise foolproof coverage combo. Name one of these Pokemon (include its ability if relevant).


Hmmmm. Try asking stuff like sakura haruno. Im no good at puzzles. So idk.


Oh and btw yin ive never played those... ive played silver to victory road though.

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You got the answer right. Dialga has Flash Cannon to kill Xerneas.

However, that was the secondary question; you missed the earlier one, which I will give you now.



"Which trainer(s) use a dual-Type Dragon Pokemon that share two of the same colors in the flags of the USA and Britain?"


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The glitch was you could fish on them although I believe only certain Rods worked. Since you could have looked this up, I commend your honesty.

And the villian order missed out Evice (Cipher - Colosseum) Gonzap (Snagem), Greevil (Cipher - XD) and I'm sure there are plenty more in the side games.


Q) Who in the Adventures Manga was scared of Birds and why?

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Hmmmm. Try asking stuff like sakura haruno. Im no good at puzzles. So idk.

I'm just testing your knowledge of the available Pokemon, their types, and their abilities. I gotta have a niche in the questions I ask.


Two possible answers include Rotom-H and Lanturn with Volt Absorb.


Next question:

Shedinja's Wonder Guard is pretty much its main gimmick, and as the hacked WonderEyes have shown, Wonder Guard on other Pokemon just spells trouble. Hence, to avoid this abuse, Wonder Guard cannot be swapped out with Skill Swap. But what's worse than the stock Shedinja? How about a Sturdy one? Yes, it is possible to grant Sturdy to Shedinja (without hacking, of course). How do you do it?

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Think to yourself "what colors appear on the American flag?", then figure out which of the dual-typed Dragon Pokemon have two of the colors appearing in our flag.


One of the Pokemon that would fit the description is right in front of you.

latios and latias.



I'm just testing your knowledge of the available Pokemon, their types, and their abilities. I gotta have a niche in the questions I ask.


Two possible answers include Rotom-H and Lanturn with Volt Absorb.


Next question:

Shedinja's Wonder Guard is pretty much its main gimmick, and as the hacked WonderEyes have shown, Wonder Guard on other Pokemon just spells trouble. Hence, to avoid this abuse, Wonder Guard cannot be swapped out with Skill Swap. But what's worse than the stock Shedinja? How about a Sturdy one? Yes, it is possible to grant Sturdy to Shedinja (without hacking, of course). How do you do it?

ummm... i think i know this: get Audino use Role Play on Magnezone while Magnezone use protect ==> Audino has Sturdy ==> let Magnezone use explosion while Audino protecting to cripple the opponent and Audino can recover some of its HP ==> let Shedinja in, Audino uses Entertainment on Shedinja and you get a Sturdy Shedinja.  thats it i think...


The glitch was you could fish on them although I believe only certain Rods worked. Since you could have looked this up, I commend your honesty.

And the villian order missed out Evice (Cipher - Colosseum) Gonzap (Snagem), Greevil (Cipher - XD) and I'm sure there are plenty more in the side games.


Q) Who in the Adventures Manga was scared of Birds and why?

i dont read the mangas; as they are not available in the usa

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Viz has released them for the US. So that's a feeble reason.


Answer was Green/Blue (Eng/Japan) , she was scared of birds because bird type Pokemon were used to kidnap her as a child. Which is why she used Jigglypuff and Blastoise's cannons to get around. She did later appear to have overcome the fear in the fight against Lugia and Ho-Oh, with the Kanto trio.


Q) What is the buried alive creepypasta?

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Viz has released them for the US. So that's a feeble reason.


Answer was Green/Blue (Eng/Japan) , she was scared of birds because bird type Pokemon were used to kidnap her as a child. Which is why she used Jigglypuff and Blastoise's cannons to get around. She did later appear to have overcome the fear in the fight against Lugia and Ho-Oh, with the Kanto trio.


Q) What is the buried alive creepypasta?

creepypasta? wth?

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ummm... i think i know this: get Audino use Role Play on Magnezone while Magnezone use protect ==> Audino has Sturdy ==> let Magnezone use explosion while Audino protecting to cripple the opponent and Audino can recover some of its HP ==> let Shedinja in, Audino uses Entertainment on Shedinja and you get a Sturdy Shedinja.  thats it i think...

An acceptable answer. An alternative is to manually replace Wonder Guard with Worry Seed or the like before having a Carbink (with Sturdy) use Skill Swap on it. Slightly fewer steps, useable in a Triple Battle. It boils down to knowing that you can replace Wonder Guard rather than directly trying to Skill Swap it off.


Next question:

Vivillon and Butterfree face some severe direct competition: Both are early-evolving Bug Pokemon that have the awesome combo of Compound Eyes + Sleep Powder, and both have access to Quiver Dance that turns them into sweeping machines. However, Vivillon beats Butterfree in the general usefulness department due to knowing one powerful attack that Butterfree lacks. What is it?

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<3 that question. Coz Miror B is epic.


Creepypasta - Creepypasta is a form of short scary/horror stories that is regularly posted on message boards or sent via email intended to scare or unnerve the reader.


The Buried Alive Creepypasta is that the final in game boss is in the Lavender Town's Pokemon Tower, when approached he would be very zombie like and attack you with Pokemon that you couldn't beat including the White Hand (mentioned by a NPC in the town), when you lose which you will, the 'zombie' would eat you. And you would see a sprite of your trainer 'dead'.


Q) What was the final Shadow Pokemon you could obtain in Pokemon Collosseum?

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<3 that question. Coz Miror B is epic.


Creepypasta - Creepypasta is a form of short scary/horror stories that is regularly posted on message boards or sent via email intended to scare or unnerve the reader.


The Buried Alive Creepypasta is that the final in game boss is in the Lavender Town's Pokemon Tower, when approached he would be very zombie like and attack you with Pokemon that you couldn't beat including the White Hand (mentioned by a NPC in the town), when you lose which you will, the 'zombie' would eat you. And you would see a sprite of your trainer 'dead'.


Q) What was the final Shadow Pokemon you could obtain in Pokemon Collosseum?

since shadow lugia is in XD i thinks its SHADOW HO-OH.

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You got the Pokemon right, destiny, but that wasn't what the question asked. It asked "Which trainers in X/Y use the Eon twins?"



Name the Pokemon that has the lowest base HP (excludes Shedinja)




Shadow Ho-Oh does not exist. Ho-Oh was obtainable through beating Mount Battle outside the non-main game.


The answer is Togetic from the fake you.


Q) Which Pokemon is known as the Geyser Pokemon?



In pokemon XD, what is Miror B's trainer class?

only know about the finle boss in that game... sorry.

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Vivillon and Butterfree face some severe direct competition: Both are early-evolving Bug Pokemon that have the awesome combo of Compound Eyes + Sleep Powder, and both have access to Quiver Dance that turns them into sweeping machines. However, Vivillon beats Butterfree in the general usefulness department due to knowing one powerful attack that Butterfree lacks. What is it?

No answer to my question, or are you tl;dr'ing it?

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Q) The only fire pokemon to learn Powder Snow

i seriously didnt know there was a fire pokemon that learned a f***ing ice type move!!!


No answer to my question, or are you tl;dr'ing it?

quiver dance.




Answer was Battle Chatelaines Morgan (who uses Latias) and Evelyn (with Latios)


Now then, a new question (and again, it's related to the Eon twins).



Excluding their sets with Soul Dew, what nature/item and EV spread is optimal for Latias/Latios, according to Smogon logic?

their mega stones.

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