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ah need helpx wid mah herohes =O

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well i need some speed added to the deck but still keep the basic structure


the deck wins exeptionally well well it wins good 3 out of 4 at a tourney today


i also want help in incorporating evil heros plox


so yhea help



2 malicious edge

2 infernal prodigy

2 sparkman

2 clayman

2 giant rat

2 earth hex seal

2 light hex seal

2 wildheart

1 stratos

1 ocean

1 air hummingbird

1 morphing jar



3 emergency calls

3 miricle fusion

1 pot of avarice

1 monster reborn

1 lighting vortex

1 prem

2 skyscraper 2

1 swords

1 brain control

1 heavy storm



1 maleovent catatsrophe

1 torrential

1 hero signal

1 royal decree



shining flare


rampart blaster

wild wingman

thunder giant


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If it is in fact such a good deck' date=' why are you posting it here for help?



I posted my Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon deck here, and it's excellent.



To the deck:


-1 Ocean (this isn't Big City)

-1 Air Hummingbird (o_O random)

-2 Infernal Prodigy (way too situational)

-1 The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion (The Light is better)


+2 Cyber Dragon (The Light is pointless without this)

+1 Wildheart

+1 Sparkman

+1 The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion


-2 Skyscraper 2 - Hero City (this isn't Big City)

-1 Swords of Revealing Light (unneeded)

-1 Brain Control (you only have 2 Tribute monsters and no effects that need tributes)

-1 Pot of Avarice (you want monsters to stay in the grave)


+2 Dark Calling (to fuse stuff)

+1 Future Fusion (Sparkman and Clayman to the grave)

+1 Reinforcement of the Army (since you already have 3 E-Call, only 1 is needed)

+1 Smashing Ground


-1 Hero Signal (bad)

-1 Malevolent Catastrophe (it may seem like the Torrential of Heavy Storm, but it's infinitely worse)


+1 Royal Decree (half-hearted Decree is bad)

+1 Mirror Force (why is this not here?)


+ All applicable Fusions

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thanx crab ^_^


theese seem easy enough to get-ish


and i really dont have a mirror force and its too dear to for me to buy, and the only thing i have to trade for it is my gellenduo and it just dont sem quite worth it


i was thinking maybe a warrior returning alive instead of reinforcement to get back stratos?

as 3 ecall seems to suffice but i will got with what ou said


and with the new gold edition pack coming out hopefully mirror force will be in here

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- Elemental Heroes Deck


+ Good Deck

10/10' date=' perfectly stated. Didn't you know that every time someone makes an E-Heroes deck, a puppy dies? C'mon, be good sport and make a Pure Attack deck like your buddy Slade.

Ok, besides that. I'm not entirely sure what you're aiming at, but if it's an E-Hero/Royal Decree combo, it's a deck that works very well. I'm not sure how to make a powerful Evil Hero deck, but still...

I made this deck about 2 years ago; it's not exactly tournament legal, but you don't play in tournaments that use Advanced Format, right? If you're gonna go all-out E-Hero, here's what I'd do.

If you don't have Mirror Force, replace it with a Polymerization. Sakuretsu armor isn't as powerful as Mirror Force, and thus isn't worth it with the Jinzo and Royal Decrees.

EDIT: Please not that I am not commandeering this thread to post my own decks; this is just a suggestion for a powerful EH Deck that I'd recommend he use.

[spoiler=Best E-Hero Deck Evar']

Monsters: 20

3 EH Wildheart

2 EH Clayman

2 EH Sparkman

2 EH Bladedge

3 King of the Swamp

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior (Blast Magician maybe?)

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

1 Tsukuyomi (Not sure what to replace her with. Use your imagination ;))

1 Sangan

2 Magician of Faith (She's too essential to take out; bribe the head of the tournament)

1 Spirit Reaper (Marshmallon)

2 Magical Merchant

1 Jinzo

Spells: 15

3 Future Fusion

3 Miracle Fusion (Ultimate Combo with Future Fusion)

1 Graceful Charity (Pot of Avarice would replace it well)

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Smashing Ground

2 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Book of Moon

1 Snatch Steal (Brain Control in AF)

1 Scapegoat (Oh, how I loathe this card :D)

1 Swords of Revealing Light

Traps: 4

2 Royal Decree

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force (if you don't have it, don't bother loading the deck with Sakuretsu's to replace it; add a Polymerization or two)



3 EH Thunder Giant

3 EH Wild Wingman

3 EH Wildedge (this card is beast)

2 EH Tempest

3 EH Necroid Shaman

2 EH Rampart Blaster

2 EH Shining Flare Wingman

2 EH Shining Pheonix Enforcer


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- Elemental Heroes Deck


+ Good Deck

10/10' date=' perfectly stated. Didn't you know that every time someone makes an E-Heroes deck, a puppy dies? C'mon, be good sport and make a Pure Attack deck like your buddy Slade.

Ok, besides that. I'm not entirely sure what you're aiming at, but if it's an E-Hero/Royal Decree combo, it's a deck that works very well. I'm not sure how to make a powerful Evil Hero deck, but still...

I made this deck about 2 years ago; it's not exactly tournament legal, but you don't play in tournaments that use Advanced Format, right? If you're gonna go all-out E-Hero, here's what I'd do.

If you don't have Mirror Force, replace it with a Polymerization. Sakuretsu armor isn't as powerful as Mirror Force, and thus isn't worth it with the Jinzo and Royal Decrees.

EDIT: Please not that I am not commandeering this thread to post my own decks; this is just a suggestion for a powerful EH Deck that I'd recommend he use.

[spoiler=Best E-Hero Deck Evar']

Monsters: 20

3 EH Wildheart

2 EH Clayman

2 EH Sparkman

2 EH Bladedge

3 King of the Swamp

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior (Blast Magician maybe?)

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

1 Tsukuyomi (Not sure what to replace her with. Use your imagination ;))

1 Sangan

2 Magician of Faith (She's too essential to take out; bribe the head of the tournament)

1 Spirit Reaper (Marshmallon)

2 Magical Merchant

1 Jinzo

Spells: 15

3 Future Fusion

3 Miracle Fusion (Ultimate Combo with Future Fusion)

1 Graceful Charity (Pot of Avarice would replace it well)

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Smashing Ground

2 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Book of Moon

1 Snatch Steal (Brain Control in AF)

1 Scapegoat (Oh, how I loathe this card :D)

1 Swords of Revealing Light

Traps: 4

2 Royal Decree

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force (if you don't have it, don't bother loading the deck with Sakuretsu's to replace it; add a Polymerization or two)



3 EH Thunder Giant

3 EH Wild Wingman

3 EH Wildedge (this card is beast)

2 EH Tempest

3 EH Necroid Shaman

2 EH Rampart Blaster

2 EH Shining Flare Wingman

2 EH Shining Pheonix Enforcer



Poly sucks, Bladedge sucks, lack of Stratos sucks, and the deck you posted sucks.


Also, keep the Callings; 3 Miracle can't be drawn consistently enough.

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