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Number 94: Gengar, the shadow fiend


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Yeah I know there is already 100 number cards that are made. But who cares, just making cards. I also made a chaos version of this card and well... Anyways the image is on screwattack under top 10 pokemon.




2 Level 6 Fiend-Type monsters
Once per turn during your Main Phase: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; target 1 monster your opponent controls. If you do, the ATK of the monster you targeted becomes 0. This card cannot be destroyed once per battle.
Trust me the triple dots are there because you know ghost types and their mega evolution o_o
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2 Level 6 Fiend-Type monsters
Once per turn during your Main Phase: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 1 monster your opponent controls; If you do, the that target's ATK of the monster you targeted becomes 0. Once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by once per battle.

Unless stated otherwise, all monster effects that you manually activate (without needing something to trigger it) can only be done during your Main Phase.


Target declarations are placed between the colon and semicolon, with your costs. This means that they are done before the card begins resolving, and before Chain Links are built.


I'm not sure how one can attempt to destroy a monster twice in a single battle, so I've changed the effect to something that makes a little more sense. Otherwise this card would be downright immune to destruction by battle.


Not sure what the Xyz Material-using effect is supposed to represent. Hypnosis Dream Eater? Either way, it's a handy effect, letting it or any other monster you control crush anything in battle. If actually successfully pulled off, this also combos with Machu Mech for massive damage.

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