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[srs bsns] Thoughts on ye olde' Tormented


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I wouldn't want to be you, not my style. I hope to eventually become on par with you at designing, but as much as we get along-I'm not the type to classify myself as a god. You get me 'pal.


fite me irl den.


In all honesty though and joking aside, you're my bbcakes. Of the very few on this site that I'd consider a legitimate friend. I've continuously told you that you need to stop being a passive aggressive bitch though, work on that. 

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I wouldn't want to be you, not my style.


photo-104694.png?_r=1400768697 photo-105552.png?_r=1398275591


Oh, s***...  :$


Seriously, you're a troll ... ;) 
And stop saying that you're bad at Gfx, modesty is for the weak! 
If you start telling yourself that you're not that bad, you're getting better .... because you won't think "Yuck! But this is my level, so it goes." 
And you're not "cocky", you're punctilious, and not afraid by saying what you're thinking

Overall, you're someone likeable.


It is a kind of compliment from me, so enjoy it, because it is something rare ....

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