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Insult DL! (Serious)


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Throw any kind of insult you throw at me


I'm not a masochist.


Im sure Ill just have a laugh at the ridiculous ones, and actually Im rather intrigued with what kind of flaws YCM sees in me XP


Go ahead


I open myself up


Gogogo! :3

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Well you made this topic. Think that's enough.




srry XD.

I guess the insult here is that Im a masochist for making the topic and a hypocrite for saying Im not a masochist?



You win this time coolspy o3o

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You're a mushroom. Driving a car. No one will ever take you seriously in life.

I live in the crotch of a pretty blond princess.

My life will always be....either a lot better or a lot worse than everyone's.



it all depends on personal standards and what kinda thing you're into I guess.


You pose a rather decent point however.

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