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[Serious] Thoughts on Sakura

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I rather be nice than be an ass (pardon my language).

Sure, I might be too lenient on certain members which others just go for the throat on, but I rather not get a reputation for being a jerk towards others.


I may not see things in the way some of you do, but I don't get upset at others for their opinions and/or bash them.



I'll be brief; that was one of the reasons why I left YCM for almost two years. Granted, I should expect that there are a few people like that online, but the amount of flaming/trolling back in 2011 was getting to the point that it was a hell-hole.

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Sometimes, when I feel like I don't really have the patience to critique a card in RC, I can count on you to swing by and help voice what I couldn't be bothered to say. That goes double for some members whom we've been helping repeatedly lately.


Your activity's been fading slightly, but I hope you keep this up whenever you drop by.

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