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[Serious] Thoughts on Hina


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During the moment when you're messing with my mind, I get very frustrated with you. But afterwards when I get my head straight, I look back and laugh at how cool you are for having made me feel that way. You seem to pull that off well enough to make it tolerable in the long run.

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Hina.....ah, Hina.


I've known you since the Code geass club, so many years ago.


You seemed pretty cool back then.


We even RPd together, and you, Ka-chan and Mako were my favs from the club.



And as I found out more about you, I was always surprised at how easily you can make me laugh with just how ludicrous you are. It's hilarious. You go from a cute girl wanting to be loved, or to a straight-to-the-point needle with a big vocabulary.


You are wonderful XD

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