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[Serious] Who the hell do you think I am?


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Surprising, but pretty level-headed, capable of listening, and eager to create activity in your section. You also behave professionally when doing your moderating. So, good moderator.

Wish I could get to know you better though.

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Night's buttmonkey.

No, Rod is the monkey, remember? And Mugen is Night's wife/husband.


All correct. 


I honestly didn't know who the fuck you were up until about 6 or so months ago when you randomly started posting frequently in Showcase. Had no real opinion on you then besides a preconceived notion that you were yet another random strolling through Showcase (which proved to be true, start posting more scrub.)


When Rinne said you were his choice for promotion I was quite shocked since at a glance it seemed like you were still fairly new. You've change my opinion as well as most others pretty quickly though. You're levelheaded, reasonable and willing to listen whilst also not being afraid to make your own decisions and act on impulse. The latter can be quite aggravating from time to time, but I still find it to be an admirable trait nonetheless. All in all, potentially the best moderator this forum's got.

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You're that one guy that made me can't use 'Ain' as my username in peace

You're a cool guy, and you're one of the mods here that actively tried to do positive things to the forum with your power, moderating job aside.

Though I haven't seen you much this year, but maybe that's because of different place of activity in the forum.
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