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Set FIRE~ to the RAIN~! [SKY FIRE Reactor Deck]

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So because I've been down lately I wanted to throw myself into a new project. I had tried Reactors once before, but found it far too inconsistent. Now, after the 10 or so tests I have done, SKY FIRE hits the board approximately 80% of the time. Soul Charge is just an amazing enabler.


[spoiler='Deck Image']KBs1Hhn.png[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Deck List']

Main Deck: 40

Monsters: 20

2 Ally of Justice Cycle Reader Anti-Bujins, also a Level 3 Tuner

2 Flying Fortress SKY FIRE Boss, 2 because Dark Flattop is a card

1 Genex Ally Birdman Level 3 Tuner, possibly rescue a reactor

3 Mathematician Dump the little reactors

3 Spell Reactor*RE Burn spells

3 Summon Reactor*SK Burn Summons

3 Trap Reactor*Y FI Burn traps

3 Witch of the Black Rose Level 4 Tuner for Flattop


Spells: 12

1 Foolish Burial Dump a thing for Soul Charge/Flattop

3 Gravity Blaster Make Flattop better

3 Machina Armored Unit Keep some field presence, easier setup for SKY FIRE

2 Machine Assembly Line Boost attack, eases setup for SKYFIRE

3 Soul Charge The blood and bone of the deck



Traps: 8

1 Bottomless Trap Hole Staple

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device Sorta staple maybe

1 Fake Explosion Kinda 4th Waboku

1 Solemn Warning Staple

1 Torrential Tribute Staple

3 Waboku Protect 2 or more Reactors for next turn SKY FIRE


Extra Deck: 15

1 Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Crimson Blader

2 Dark Flattop

1 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree

1 Moonlight Rose Dragon

1 Scrap Dragon

1 Star Eater

1 Stardust Spark Dragon

1 Void Ogre Dragon

1 Vulcan the Divine

2 Gear Gigant X



If you have any praise/advice/hatred I would be delighted to hear it.

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