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 Hello people, it's great to be here. Like most of the forum's members, I love Yugioh. I also enjoy playing a lot of videogames (specially J-RPGs), and I'm the kind of people who prefer to read the book instead of watching the film.

I hope we'll get on well. See you.

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Welcome to the forums mate! Be sure to abide by the rules and have loads of fun. Some simple guidelines to give you an introduction are:
* Don't be a spambot.
* Racial slurs and profanity will NOT be tolerated.
* Don't be annoying.
* Only one status update every 20 minutes.
If you have any questions regarding to the forum, consult a Senior Member or a Moderator for assistance.

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Welcome to the forums AeroxNS! I see you enjoy video games (and J-RPG's at that) You might be interested to know there is a gamers club/organization here on the site so you may enjoy that community (though it has not been active as of late). As stated above, be sure to follow the rules, regard questions in the comments and question thread (or ask moderators), be polite if applicable, but most importantly have fun in our little community



Final Fantasy X is best RPG

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