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YCM's Grand Pokemon Tournament Round 1-22


Favorite Pokemon  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favorite Pokemon?

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Definitely Reshiram.

Being neutral against Fairies really helps it; also its signature moves are neat. (And also because I have three of them transferred from White 2; well two active ones since the third one is currently being White Kyurem)


Giratina is awesome though, but not enough to take over Reshi; Whimisciott, it evolves from a cotton ball and has no real offensive presence (save for Prankster). Plus, I never found it that interesting TBH.

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Whimsicott is one of the mostr annoying Pokemon ever lol. But it also is very cute and thanks again for the good image choices. Whims it is.

Yeah, Whimsicoott is pretty annoying, but being cute doesn't really remedy that, imo, going with what has been the more epic of the epics for me, Reshiram.

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