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Wanna be a CowCow Knight? (AMA)

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Soooo, I figured I'd try this once more and see if anyone is interested.

So yeah, ask whatever you want.

And if you want to be a CowCow Knight, or any other position in the CowCow Empire, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

And no, don't need to be serious, but if you ask a serious question I'll give a serious answer.

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where dos ur useranme come from?

Interesting development that this is the one time I get a question. And the spelling pains me but moving on.


This was answered in a thread about usernames a bit back so I'll post my reply from there here.


Well, here's a bit of a story. I was pretty young, had to be something like 12. I was doodling a bit. Nothing fancy, just stick figures and such. I decided to make a stick cow. I liked the silly thing so I wanted to name it. My sister's then boyfriend was playing a Dynasty Warriors game. One of the characters is Cao Cao. In this game the pronounciation was, well, cow cow. So that became its name.

I filled up a notebook with Cow-Cow doodles, of many different kinds. Eventually I came up with the character of a ruler of Cow-Cows, complete with a crown and a throne. At some point while trying to come up with a Youtube username I thought of Cow-Cow and decided to go with LordCowCow. And ever since, literally everything I need a username online I use LordCowCow. It means nothing at all to anyone but me but it's just what feels right.

I may eventually change it, but honestly it may be with me for all my life.

I AM Lord CowCow.

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