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I'm probably going to make a playthrough of 7 Trials to Glory on YT, so...

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Two decks I'll be using for 7 Trials to Glory 2005.


[spoiler=Primary deck]




Really liking this deck.


Wanghu's great in this game because of the stupid AI.


Warrior Lady and Wall of Illusion get rid of whatever big monster the opponent gets out.


Crossout and Acid get rid of possible Flips.


Have I mentioned Parshath is awesome?








Basically, you use Gaia Power to boost your EARTHs.


The Rock Spirit and Gigantes make a board fast.


Enraged Battle Ox is a piercing that also gives Wanghu piercing.


Mad Sword is a Rat target that becomes 1900 under Gaia Power.


Wanghu has 1700, and can autokill stuff.


DD Warrior gets rid of whatever monster I can't hit over.


Rat (and Charity when the banlist makes it playable) loads the Graveyard for Gigantes/Rock Spirit.


Acid trashes set monsters.


In testing, the deck is kind of slow, and I've changed the monster lineup multiple times.




The staple Spells will change constantly because of the game's weekly banlist.


I'll be using cheat codes to get all the cards (though, Berserk Gorilla seems to be missing) at the beginning instead of grinding for packs.



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The cards between Delinquent Duo and Nobleman in Primary deck? The forbidden ones.


Are those Kaiser Gliders in the side?


I know nothing about this format but like looking at old decks.


Confiscation and The Forceful Sentry.


I forgot why I side Gliders, but it was likely for a stupid reason.

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