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[EDH] Pharika, God of Affliction

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I'm confused at the lack of Curse of Death's Hold.

Two reasons.

a) It has rather high CMC for the effect..
B) It hate upon one player only, which is a politically poor play in most instances.

I considered Illness in the Ranks for similar purposes, but dismissed it as it would kill my tokens as well.
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Where is your plague boiler? Damnation? The maybeboarded acidic slime and tragic slip are great, I would add them both. Slip can be a wonderful play flashing in a blocker from Pharika. Slime is just great in general, taking out reliquary tower or temple of the false god on board.

- Damnation's an arm and a leg right now, so that's right out.
- Plague Boiler was in one build, but it once again didn't make it to the final cut. I'll put it back in the maybeboard.
- Tragic Slip's on the maybeboard because it's single target, and with Pharika's ability able to provide low-cost instant death, I didn't want to flood my library with kill spells. It does get around indestructible, though...
- Yeah, the slime's going in as soon as something can be cut.
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