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My Power Rangers team is better than yours!

Just Crouton

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He once ran up to two giant monsters and shot them with his guns because they trashed his zords. HE'S A MANLY MAN.



The brains, err...the smartest person in the room when Justin isn't around. Should the zords get trashed, and Carter's badassery fails, he can load up the team's weapons onto the Lightning Cruiser (or his Galaxy Glider) and fire them into the zord-wrecking monster's mouth to destroy it.



The tough guy when even Carter isn't tough enough for the job. When there's a massive swarm of robots, Dillon can dismember them and pile their remains on top of Scott's car.



The second-in-command...or the leader. Who knows? They don't. She can do Matrix stuff.



She flies...and she has a bear that breathes fire.



The sixth ranger. Sometimes, Dillon will trash hundreds of foot soldiers, only to notice there are exactly 100 left. That's where Kruger steps in.



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