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>>>>> HOLO-SHEET <<<<<


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[align=center]I have Gotten a Star Holo, and them added a Few details using Photoshop. I found the Picture on Google. :)




CREDIT: To Dj Osiris, because i saw One of his Holos like this. After, i found a star holo and Changed it on Photoshop.


Credit to ashje as well!




Comments? Questions?[/align]

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Gray gradient + Star brushes on light colors = Holo Sheet.


Congratulations' date=' you can use the PS basics.


Now show me some art.



Um...that's not it.


I told you, i got it off another site, and customed it different!

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Lol already found it. I had it a while ago. As well as many others.^^ grats on using google holo's are hard to find. And BTW everyone he only made it bigger in photoshop. Nothing else.


Oh, sorry i'll also give you credit. :) And thanks!

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Lol already found it. I had it a while ago. As well as many others.^^ grats on using google holo's are hard to find. And BTW everyone he only made it bigger in photoshop. Nothing else.


Oh' date=' sorry i'll also give you credit. :) And thanks!



Why? Its yours. You released it so you dont own it seeing as you found it on google but its yours on this site. Grats^^

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