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Welcome to YCM forums.


You can start by learning the difference between "forum" and "chatroom".

  • Responses in a forum are a lot slower than in a chatroom. Timely responses within seconds of your latest post are rare - the average response time would usually be a few hours on a forum.
  • Because of slow response time, you can take your time to write longer posts. That's encouraged so that you don't end up inflating your post count because what you want to say was split up into many posts.
  • Don't you dare tl;dr this post, by the way. It reflects badly on you.

Now that we got that out of the way, read the forum rules. Helps you stay out of trouble.


Don't be afraid to ask for assistance if you have questions.


Have a good day.

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Hey there and welcome to Yugioh Card Maker (YCM), TCGproDucer!1


As Gadjiltron already mentioned, make sure you are familiar with the forum rules and are fully willing to abide by them throughout your stay. Also be sure to read the announcements as well; they hold the same importance as the rules.


If you read the one by Yin/Suigintou, this means "don't post" in spambot threads/statuses. You can distinguish them from a normal user, since they generally post links to some real life product, such as shoes, or random gibberish in a foreign language. If you see any, just report their threads (there is a yellow Report button at the bottom left of each post) or go to their profile and report them directly (bottom right has a link to a report page). The mod team will deal with them whenever one comes on.


Don't get upset if no one posts constantly; it used to be rapid posting a long time ago, but nowadays, it moves how it's currently doing. 



Reading all the rules/announcements in each section (since not all of the forums here run on the same type of rules) and abiding by them will make sure you don't get into trouble with other members/the forum staff.




With that said, enjoy your stay and don't be afraid to ask for help if needed.

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I remember you from a few days a go. Be careful on posting statuses as they can't consist of one word AND can only be posted every 20 minutes.
OT: Welcome to the forums. Be sure to read the rules and have loads of fun. It may get a bit boring due to lack of members but don't get hurt by that. That being said, try and have loads of fun and for amy questions, check out the forum titled, " Questions & Tutorials" or ask a fellow Senior Member or a Moderator.

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Somethin has happend to the site. cant upload anything at all. :unsure:

I don't mean to be rude or anything, but this thread is not the suitable place to ask questions. Check the thread titled, " Questions and Help" and they may have what you are looking for. If not, make a topic that states your problem.
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