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So I made this account 2 years ago so that I could store Yugioh Cards that I have made, but I never really posted in the forums, only lurked from time to time. Β However, I've recently I got into YuGiOh again and wanted to be part of this community, so thus here I am. My name is currently Le Reptile, but I plan on changing that as soon as possible (In hindsight, I have no clue why I made it that, but I can't stand it).Β 

I look forward to making more cards and having a good time in these forums.

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Yo wazzup.

You kinda remind me of me. I went here only to store my crappy naruto cards.

Then I decided to start posting almost half a year later.



Also Le Reptile sounds pretty cool

Though le Dragon probly sounds better.

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Hello! Thank you for the reply! That's cool how we have similar I guess "backstories" or whatever you'd call it.Β 

And honestly the part that bugs me the most is the "Le" part (I wouldn't mind having the name be "The Reptile", which is what I might go with). In hindsight I have no clue why I added the "Le" part - I don't recall ever going on Reddit and as far as I know I have no french blood.

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