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Rescue Rat

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Level 4 EARTH Beast-Type Pendulum Effect Monster
Pendulum Scale: 5/5
ATK 300
DEF 100
Pendulum Effect:
You can only use the Pendulum Effect of “Rescue Rat” once per Duel. (1) You can banish this card from your Pendulum Zone; add 2 face-up Pendulum Monsters with the same name from your Extra Deck to your hand.
Monster Effect:
(1) During the turn this card was Normal Summoned, if you have a face-up Level 5 or lower Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck: You can Tribute this card; select 1 Level 5 or lower face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck, Special Summon 2 monsters from your Deck with the same name as that monster. Their effects are negated, and they are destroyed during the End Phase.


Huh, I don't know what to say. It's..., underwhelming? Discuss.

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how is a Rat ever a rescue animal?


Most people would run in fear if they ever saw a rat.

are you looking at it


it's a hamster


adorable hamster


when we work together it's much better


my ham ham



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Better on a Pendulum-dedicated Deck. 

I wish to know if Tributed Pendulum Monsters are sent to the Extra Deck.

We must find a more fast way to send Pendulums there (Synchro?).

Probably will become broken with time.

I like that it's a Scale 5.

Incredibly adorable OwO Though, why a Rat? Are Rescue monsters names in Japanese or in English in the OCG?

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